I emailed APHIS (USDA) asking if there were any restrictions to deer antlers crossing the border...here are excerpts from their reply...
Dear Mr. Kroeker,
Thank you for emailing about current US import regulations for naturally shed deer antlers from Canada.
The US ninth circuit court of appeals recently lifted a preliminary injunction regarding BSE....the court's ruling cleared the way for ruminant and ruminant product imports to resume subject to the restrictions specified in USDA's minimal risk rule. The final rule specifies that, among other things, there are no import restrictions due to BSE for cervid products from a BSE minimal risk region.
Although USDA is not restricting importations of cervid products for BSE, we are maintaining import requirements related to other diseases, namely antrax. Canada is among the countries where anthrax infections are known to occur. Accordingly, Canadian-origin antlers and other bone material are to be free of soil, blood, and soft tissue. We also require that such materials be accompanied by an official Canadian government certificate stating that the shipment originated in that country. In addition, we require that the products be shipped to a USDA approved establishment for processing and treatment against anthrax before it is released to the US importer.
How is this for red tape??? What a load of crap. Good luck getting antlers from up here anymore