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Everything posted by SaskBucks

  1. Re: Team Renzos Going out to my blind after work on Thursday, there have been 4 fence posts rubbed pretty good right near my blind, hope to maybe take a doe if things go right...good luck to all
  2. Re: TEXTBOOK!(Pics) Awesome buck, congrats, and pass that along to Chad
  3. Re: Mack\'s First Buck! Awesome Mack...the smile on your face says it all...welcome to the club!
  4. Re: saskatchewan deer Bergman's Law/Rule, states that animals in cooler climates are expected to have a large body size to reduce heat loss.
  5. Re: Characteristics on a buck?? Your favorite? I like a big frame...I really like mass, as well as junk
  6. Re: Good Buck Down...Pics... Congrats on a great buck!
  7. Re: First muzzleloader buck yes that it the way we call em up here...when I lived in the States I got bugged a lot when I would say "I'll phone you later" instead of call
  8. Re: Team Renzos Called and thanked Steve for the dekes today, seems like a really great guy! Hoping to get out next week to my stand and set up the buck and the doe with some scent...good luck guys
  9. Re: BLACK JACKS! Yes, I vouch for that sticker brow point, it should count
  10. Re: Gas question Was in Regina this weekend. I could not believe that gas there was more expensive than here. 99.9 there 94.9 in Saskatoon
  11. Re: price of hunting I thought members of the military had status in every province. I know when I lived in the US, that is the way they do it (correct me if I am wrong) for hunting and fishing
  12. Re: Opening weekend GA buck congrats on the buck, I agree with Sasksheds, its not the size of the deer but the memories and experience of the hunt that matters most
  13. Re: First muzzleloader buck Congrats on an awesome 4 X 4...what zone are you hunting in? Thanks for the pics. What was your method of hunting?
  14. SaskBucks

    Double Drop

    Re: Double Drop Congrats Brock!!!! What a whopper!!!! He'll look really good up on the wall
  15. Re: Record Book Buck\'s How long have you been hunting? 10th year How many book buck's in total? 0 How many Pope & Young? 0 How many Boone & Crockett?0 Largest being 165 gross whitetail(rifle), dont archery hunt
  16. Re: Success - Archery Buck (Photos) Let it be known that the countryside is not crawling with monster bucks up here...yes we do have great genetics and some top end bucks, but one must also do his/her homework and put in a lot of time to kill a great buck like LDB did. And yes, sometimes a guy may get lucky. In LDB's case, hard work really paid off
  17. Re: Team Renzos I got my stuff in the mail today...super huge thanks to BillK and Steve for being so generous...I am stoked about using the deeks at my stand... once again... THANKS A TON!!!
  18. Re: Success - Archery Buck (Photos) This is truly an awesome deer...I'va got to hand it to LDB...he is a hunter's hunter...walks a ton of miles, and this deer, was spot and stalked, which I believe is the truest of ways to hunt...congrats Dan
  19. Re: The chills I use body warmers as well...put them on your kidneys...I built a box blind and so far it is very comfortable...if the wind is right you can use a propane heater in there no problem
  20. I am currently with Shaw, but Sasktel just picked up Wild TV...anyone get it? And if so, do they have a good selection of shows etc.?
  21. UBB1-ML-777443-ML-
  22. How do you resize your pics without making them all distorted for your avatar? Also, how do you make those signs at the bottom of your posts? Thanks for any help
  23. Re: Team Renzos Went out yesterday for our Thanksgiving Day (yes, we do it different up here) into a good spot where the deer are coming back from feeding...saw some does, spikes, a couple forkhorns but no bigguys....then for the evening went to sit in my blind, saw a couple does and one day of hunting but no points, sorry guys, thanks again Bill for getting us the Renzos stuff