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Everything posted by hogwild63

  1. Thanks to RangerClay and Mathews XT Man for voting. So far, game cams have been the favorite on most of the forums. I also like decoys depending on the season.
  2. I hadn't been on in a while so I thought it just dead like a few others I used to frequent. I was going to add another choice on my poll for 'I could care less' LOL
  3. Coming in June, we have the opportunity to get a donation from Academy Sports to auction on the HHH USA website. What will happen is I will receive a gift card in the amount ranging from $50 to $75. Choose from the poll something you would like to see auctioned off or choose from the website http://www.academy.com/shop/CatalogSearch?catalogId=10051&rel=nofollow&langId=-1&storeId=10151&N=933739033+46886006&Nao=0 It has to be something that we can easily ship to the winner. For example, the manager jokingly suggested we auction off a kayak. I would love to do that but, unless they are willing to ship it for us, it ain't gonna happen. Top category choice wins. If you pick something from the website, we would need several people to agree on that item.
  4. Two auction items have been posted and will run for a week. If you tried to register and were not able to do so, the registration page has been fixed. Be looking for more auction items each week.
  5. This is "coming soon" - like Monday soon. We will have some hand made knives and other donated items for the first go round. These auctions will most likely be weekly if we can keep the donations coming in. Sorry for the interruption. Resume normal programming. :yes:
  6. PRESS RELEASE Date: April 22, 2015 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE HUNTERS HELPING HUNTERS USA INC. IS INTRODUCING THE NEW HHH USA AUCTION BOARD Hunters Helping Hunters USA Inc. has launched its new fundraising tool: The HHH USA Auction Board, located on the HHH USA website http://www.huntershelpinghuntersusa.org/. Donated items will be auctioned on the Hunters Helping Hunters USA Auction Board. The proceeds raised from the auctions will go directly to support the mission of HHH USA. If you would like to donate an item for auction, please email [email protected] with the details and a HHH USA associate will contact you promptly. To participate in the Hunters Helping Hunters USA auctions, review the User Agreement and Privacy Notice on the “Terms and Conditions†page then proceed to the “Register†page and complete the registration. Hunters Helping Hunters USA was founded by hunters and outdoorsman from across the country to provide financial assistance to hunters and their families that have had an interruption in their family structure or support caused by death or medical burdens. Hunters Helping Hunters USA assists families by paying medical, funeral or similar costs. With the help of Hunters Helping Hunters USA the family is better able to focus on maintaining and rebuilding its structure and support system during difficult times. Since its formation in 2002, HHH USA has paid out over $26,000.00 to assist hunters and their families. To learn more about Hunters Helping Hunters USA, please contact us at: [email protected] or visit us at: www.huntershelpinghuntersUSA.org.
  7. We bought a used 2004 Kia Sedona back in 2005 that had 40k. We drove it until about 2009 it had 99k. It needed some work and did not want to spend money on a car that had 99k. We took it on several camping vacations. I never really noticed any lack of power on the Sedona. Since then, we had a used 2007 Sorento and it drove well. Traded that one and another car in for new 2013 Sorento and Rio. The both can be short on power on the highway but not in the city. I did not check the engine size when I bought them or see if there was other options on the engine size because they gave us a sweet deal on both cars. My wife still misses the Sedona. No horror stories here.
  8. We bought a used 2004 Kia Sedona back in 2005 that had 40k. We drove it until about 2009 it had 99k. It needed some work and did not want to spend money on a car that had 99k. We took it on several camping vacations. I never really noticed any lack of power on the Sedona. Since then, we had a used 2007 Sorento and it drove well. Traded that one and another car in for new 2013 Sorento and Rio. The both can be short on power on the highway but not in the city. I did not check the engine size when I bought them or see if there was other options on the engine size because they gave us a sweet deal on both cars. My wife still misses the Sedona.
  9. Window. Definitely get the bed by the window.
  10. Happy Birthday mrswtnhunt!
  11. Most of the thunderstorms stayed west and north of us thank goodness.
  12. Hope you had a good one Steve.
  13. Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and always be prayerful. Romans 12:12 Sometimes it is hard to know what is helpful at a time like this. Thoughts and prayers coming your way.
  14. I met Scott Hughes and another member at the DUGOF in about 2004 in Wisconsin when Tom Knapp was our spokesperson. I really wish I remembered which forum member he was. Does anyone remember coming to the HHH booth? I am on the left.
  15. Sorry to hear that Muff. Praying for you and her family.
  16. Happy belated Birthday, Ross!
  17. Happy belated Birthday! :happybday: The 25th was a great day. We had our 25th anniversary that day. (25th on the 25th - I wonder if there is any significance in that? ) Anyway, hope it was a good one.
  18. Keith, I will check to see if our Director of Assistance has any contacts/info in the industry.
  19. Got it. We'll check it out.
  20. Thanks guys! Happy Happy!
  21. hogwild63

    Feb 2nd

    Well, shoot. Happy Belated Birthday to you too!! :happybday: :rockon:
  22. hogwild63

    Feb 2nd

    Happy belated Birthday :happybday: I prefer February 8th. :toot: