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Everything posted by hogwild63

  1. African Safari going real cheap!!! 2 hours left
  2. Hunters Helping Hunters is currently conducting an auction for an African Safari on GunBroker.com. For details, go to www.hhh-usa.org and click on the banner. That will take you to the auction site. Thanks!
  3. FYI, you might want to check out this web site. http://www.renegadewheelchairs.com/
  4. Hey Norm! I thought you might want to know Hunters Helping Hunters has expanded its definition of medical costs to include adaptive equipment if there is a verifiable disability or medical condition that prevents the hunter from hunting without the device. AS several of you have mentioned, the cost of some of the equipment causes us to seek out other organizations to go in with HHH to cover the cost. We also conduct an extensive screening process to weed out the "bad apples" mentioned in the other post. AS you know, HHH does not help out with hunts but offset medical costs so the hunter can use their resources to be able to go hunting. Hopefully, with Kathleen's help as VP of Fundraising, we can have enough incoming donations to keep this up. You are right that the costs are pretty heavy.
  5. Dang, fly. I didn't think you cared too much for me, but... If she plays her cards right.... who knows.
  6. Can't say that I recognize that last name. Richardson is pretty big.
  7. Kat, Complete an application to Hunters Helping Hunters for your mom.
  8. Hutchies, Check out my location - born and raised in Richardson. I'll be in Oklahoma at Camp Hale (Boy Scout summer camp) all next week.
  9. I am looking forward to working with her!
  10. Hunters Helping Hunters is pleased to announce the appointment of Kathleen Christenson as Vice President of Fundraising. Kathleen was nominated and appointed by unanimous vote at the regular HHH meeting held on June 10, 2009. She lives in Seward, Alaska and is the mother of 5 children. Kathleen is the head of her local Friends of the NRA committee, teaches the IBEP Bowhunter ED classes in her area, and is an active member of the Realtree Forums. We are excited to have Kathleen on board and feel that she will bring some fresh ideas to the table. Kathleen was kind enough to share a short bio about herself: ...just to start with a few details about my family....we have five children, ages three to thirteen. We trap from Nov. through March, primarily for martin, mink, beaver, and wolverine. We hunt black bear, moose, sheep, and mountain goat. A moose will feed our family for two years; but we fill the freezers mostly with bear and fish. I homeschool the children, and we try to incorporate as much of the hunting, trapping, and fishing we feel blessed to enjoy, within the homeschool enviroment. My other half runs commercial construction here in Seward, and we try to "get away" once a year, together, in August to hunt Dall sheep. -I first came up here to Alaska in 1994, to commercial fish (after college). I grew up in Richardson, Texas and my parents still reside there. Welcome aboard, Kathleen.
  11. I feel your pain. About a month ago, my wife's brother (my hunting buddy) tells me he and his wife are separating because she committed adultery.She says she still loves him but will not cut off the relationship. It is probably going to end in divorce and another family is split. My feelings toward her are best kept to myself so as to not add to the problems. As VH said, this is trouble I do not want to deal with. I will just be there for my brother-in-law (and my wife). Prayers to you and yours.
  12. hogwild63

    Are you???

    turtle? No, I am not, but sometimes, in the winter when the bathroom floor is cold, I turtle.
  13. I might want to add that about 90% or more of the job can be accomplished over the internet or over the phone.
  14. Hunters Helping Hunters, Inc. currently has an opening on the Board of Directors for the Vice President of Fundraising. The candidate must be able to dedicate at least 20 hours per month towards fundraising activities and commit to a 3-year term. Hunters Helping Hunters, Inc is a not-for-profit, 501c3 organization and all Board of Directors are made up of people who volunteer their time and energy to fund this charity. Board members of HHH do not receive salaries or any other compensation for their work. If interested, please send request for copy of the Job Description and questionnaire to [email protected].
  15. We are getting a squawl line going through now. There was possible rotation north of us in Lewisville and south of us in Grapevine. Came through real fast and was over with in about 10 minutes. We did not have strong winds here but north of us had 70 mph winds. There was a possible tornado north of DFW airport. This one was supposed to be worse than it was. Whew!
  16. Thank you evetyone. Just got back from camping this weekend. Any b-day in the woods is a goodone.
  17. Yes, but you have a life. These guys, well... Dang, you started this thread yesterday and it's already 4 pages long. Thanks for stopping in.
  18. These are two different organizations. Here is an ad for the organization I am part of. this is, however, an older ad and the address has changed. It is current on the web site.
  19. Here's what I would do and send it certified return receipt... http://www.fairdebtfaircredit.com/Dispute-Letters-example.pdf
  20. Did you not say that a government agency was supposed to pay the bills and they has messed up? Say nothing to them except refer them to the name and number of that person and hang up. They will keep calling though. If not... If they sent her letters, most likely they are legit. Call the hospital and find out what agencies they use and the hospital should be able to tell you which agency they sent the bill to. I doubt very seriously they are not legit. From what you are describing, I do not think this is an illegitimate attempt to get a credit card number, but they are correct in telling you to not give out any financial information. Remeber, unless this colletion agency PURCHASED the account, they cannot damage your credit and if they put anything negative on your credit report, you can file a complaint to the Federal Trade Commission and sue them as well. I WOULD CALL THE HOSPITAL AND SEE IF THEY STILL HAVE THE ACCOUNT!! If the hospital still has the account, you may be able to negotiate with them and have them take it back from the collection agency. In regards to those bills not being yours, most of the time, hospital bills are billed separately - the hospital, the anesthesiologist, the doctor, pathology, lab results, etc. all bill separately. That could account for different account numbers. First, do not give them a piece of your mind; stay cool and collected. You will only get insults and threats. Chances are they are recording you in case you lose your cool or admit to something. Secondly, managers of credit collections agencies do not talk with clients. You will probably get transferred to another collector with more experience and get more and harsher abuse. If they threaten anything, ask them, "What do you mean by that?" and keep asking that until they stop with that threat. If all else fails and you are not able to pay the bills, remember... Hunters Helping Hunters.