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Everything posted by whitetailkiller

  1. whitetailkiller

    job update

    congrats. !!!! start packing!
  2. i would get the camo one,,not fond of the tattered look!! jmho
  3. my sentiments exactly,, god made it all so perfect, i wish more people could take the time to appreciate it!!!
  4. the average human uses 10% of his/her brain.....i think there is a part of us that can keep in contact with people who have moved on!! i think your son is using a part of his mind that most of us can't!!!! remember god created us, he made us capable of far more than what we do!!! has he heard from grandpa cook since hearing from grandpa bill? they might be his gardian angels sent to protect and guide him!!!! god bless you and yours!!
  5. hey mr wiggley ...i got a pair of mossy oak sweat pants size medium(8/10)and a set of bibssize 10 regular...... you can have the sweat pants, but i'll have to charge you at least a little for the bibs(i gotta replace the ones my daughter grew out of) let me know if you're interested!!
  6. i'm ready to go fishing....but i'm not ready ready for 140 degree attics when the temp outside is 98 degrees with 98% humidity.......... if i could just skip july and august i would be happy...lol
  7. good luck i hope you get it...keep us posted!!!
  8. thank you for correcting my problems!!!! i would insert a smiley here but i don't know how yet!!!! lol
  9. post count has been corrected now i'm still a 12 pointer.....i've been a monster buck for years ...can we work on fixing that too!!!!!
  10. i have been a monster moron for a couple years now,,,all of a sudden i'm not ....that's what angers me....but i will give them time to make corrections if possible!!! what was wrong with the way it was????????
  11. i had over 4,000 posts now i'm a 12 pointer!!!!!!!!! what the heck !!!!!!! i was proud to be a moron now i'm not that's not right!!!!!!
  12. right now i'm taking a break from packing....we are packing all our stuff and getting ready to move...i like finding stuff i forgot i had!!!!!! but it gets old quick!!!! back to work i go!!
  13. this new look has some resemblance to archery talk....it's ok as long as i don't have to be a senior member ,,,,i have senior moments now i'm a senior member!
  14. congrats to your grandson!!!!!!!!!!! good luck getting them gobbler hunter!!!!
  15. Re: Homonym Challenge i will try to dew this write,,,, on 2nd thought ..i will knot try to dew it.....sea ya
  16. Re: This is the coolest thing I have seen in a while that is cool,,,, too bad i can't afford the tag price!!!!!
  17. Re: Question of Character? [ QUOTE ] If you get some pictures, have them prosecuted for trespassing. If the property is posted, they are in violation of the law. If nobody shows up, keep the stands! They were put there illegally! [/ QUOTE ] exactly!!!!!
  18. Re: E-mail from Afghanistan ttt
  19. Re: E-mail from Afghanistan awesome stuff ...and the democraps want us to believe we are waisting our time over there!!!!!!!
  20. Re: Scouting/Planning for next season? normaly i would be scouting while shed hunting in feb. and march.....but i'm moving this summer so i didn't do any scouting...i'll be moving to kentucky and it's kind of hard to scout land i don't have yet!!!!!
  21. Re: Update on cabin....*pics* sweet!!!!!!!! when are you and the guys going to build mine? lol kidding......lol some day i'll get one of them built in my own woods!!!!
  22. Re: wtnhunt is a congrats.!!!! william!!!!!! what are the requirements for being a moderator? lol i know ya gotta be a member of the elite morons......lol
  23. Re: Flags - EVERY DAY IS FREEDOM i just bought a new one the other day, just been too sick to do anything......... it'll be up soon enough!!!!!i
  24. Re: Fake Lakoskys Myspace Page! [ QUOTE ] I am kind of surprised they have a real myspace page anyways....kind of jr high-ish in my opinion. Oh well... [/ QUOTE ] that's pretty much what i was thinking!!!