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Everything posted by iabow

  1. Open till sunday here. It was a coollllddd one tonight -something, seen 30 or so does no bucks, real skittish. Might just stick a doe. Congrats on the buck Buckee.
  2. Well shotgun season was a bust for me. Our group got 6 deer out of 10 tags, was told by the CO that we did the best out of those he checked. It was a different year this year though. We usually have a pick of deer but this year we scratched for what we got. Had one of the new guys to the group get a 100 some dollar fine for not having a license, but he did have a tag. Bad part is we asked and he said he had. Landowner and leader of our group is was not happy abot that. Wed is the last day and I'll be taking care of 10-12" of snow with wind gust of 50+, I'm so looking forward to that:bang:. Thinking of going late muzzy hunting though, it's not over till well you know.
  3. Well got another sow of a doe tonight in the pop. management for the city. She made the other one look a little small. Came in with 2 small offspring, right after a small 6 came by. 12 yd shot broadside, didn't go far afterwards. Filling the trophy room.
  4. Good eating sq2, I'm having deer stew tonight myself :soda:
  5. Congrats on the doe! Dog funny you should say that, my uncle saw a monster right behind me but in a gully I couldn't see into but could hear him. Then the landowner saw 2 good bucks in front of me but was behind a line of brush I couldn't see through, but could hear them grunting. :bang: Hurt my feelings.
  6. Had a brute come by tonight just not close enough :hammer1:.
  7. Way to go, congrats on the grades. Enjoy the hunt, sounds like you deserve it.
  8. Thanks guys. She had surgery a week ago where they had to pin up the stomach/bladder and has had some complications the last few days. Tell you pray works or God works more like it and thank God for the emergency staff. She's doing better now, still weak though. Got some funny looks going in with my camo, safety belt on, at lest the nurse thought it was cool. Here's my doe, it was about a 20 yd shot quartering away. Came out right behind the shoulder for a good shot (lungs and clipped the heart), didn't go far. She'll be good eating . Sorry I don't take the best pictues lol.
  9. Well I gave a lethal injection of spitfire to a doe tonight. Seen a couple nice bucks running around also. I'll have pics later, been at the emergency room most the night with my mom.
  10. Been pretty rough on my part. Normally have a couple does down but nothing so far, not been seeing much.
  11. Nice buck, especially for a first, congrats to Blake! Dog your standards are above mine.
  12. Congrats on the first boy kill!!! It took me a couple years to get my first.
  13. Guess you found the deer and layed it on her, congrats.
  14. PointingDogs that's cool, you know your scent control is working. Have you seen any bucks chasing yet? Seen a 8 working a doe a little last night, awful early for that. Also I talked to my aunt in WY, she was telling me they found a track of a cougar that was over 6" wide. The ranger took pictures and made a cast of it. He told them the cats are starting to run in packs like dogs . She also found a big bear track, be careful if you head out that way. NJB hang in there Buckee looks like alot of good eating.
  15. Nice looking deer, congrats Buckee! What do you guess he weighs?
  16. Had a pretty cool night. Seen 3 little bucks (4,7,8) sparring and rubbing. I layed a scent trail of vanilla before I got in stand and those bucks couldn't get enough. Stayed around about 45 mins sniffing and eating all the green it touched. It was pretty neat just to watch.
  17. Opening up here also but suppose to have major storms. Me doesn't play with pretty lights in sky.
  18. That's right you have all your life to go hunting.