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Everything posted by LifeNRA

  1. Bad news is that the tilt assist still needs to be attached and in working order, regardless of PT&T system. But I did find the piston for $470. This is my only option for the moment.
  2. I call this buck, "YNK" buck. After what my father has been saying to me since I was 12 years old. He has always been telling us, "You never know". He is right, because you really never know what or when will walk by. Those three words has made me stay in the woods longer than anything else. They mean more today than ever, he still hunts with me and I with him. He is 72 years old and a die-hard deer hunter. Which I am proudly to name this buck after his words he has used all these years!
  3. Years ago we would use a Rebel J20 jointed minnow lure. Since it had three treble hooks we removed the front treble. Less chance of snagging the bottom. Since walleye's usually attack from behind. In the Susquehanna River, we would cast them directly out from us and let them swing down stream. Reeling them slowly back. But unfortunately, I don't think they make them anymore. But its something that can be used with another minnow lure.
  4. 1994 Chevy full size Blazer. Bought it new that year, it has 120K on it and still running strong.
  5. Since there is no marine section here, I put this in the lounge. Since boating is not just fishing. I have a 40HP Johnson outboard on my Tracker TX-17. The tilt assist piston went bad. I had this boat for 20 years, and normally they last 8-10 years. The problem is that they cost $550-$576. Anybody ever repair one? After doing many internet searches, and finding they not repairable. I wanted to try here if someone had success on a repair. I wanted to also know if anybody has the CMC power trim and tilt on their boat. This system costs about the same as the tilt assist piston! Which would make more sense to install the PT&T system.
  6. I haven't gotten into bass flies yet. But I might soon, getting the boat out this year!
  7. Word to the wise though! Get the best you can afford. Cheap is not always the best way to go!
  8. Here is a list from wally world, $10 and up. Electronics: iPods & MP3 Players: All MP3 Players=
  9. LifeNRA

    2 more days!

    Wow, make it to Harrisburg, now you getting close to me!
  10. Nice box you got going there! Still tying here, just using tungsten beads on the same flies now.
  11. Orvis_Knots Fishing Knots | How to Tie Fishing Knots | Animated Fishing Knots Fishing Knots - Animated Fishing Knots - Step by Step Fishing Knots
  12. Animal House is a good show........NOT!!!!! I tell my daughter all the time thats what NOT to do! Who gave these bozo's a show??? Stupid antics and the things they do showing all the destruction to property!
  13. Thanks guys! I did make the PA record book. Some thing like 169th in the state since records were being recorded. But its just a number. This deer will always be 164 incher in my mind.
  14. Just got back from the official scorer, I missed the Boone & Crocket Awards Program by 1.75". Doesn't matter though, still a buck of a lifetime! The official score is 158 2/8". Gross was 164 3/8". Stinks that the deductions kill what the buck actually grew. Oh well I never even thought I would get this close! Anyways, hope everyone had a good season!
  15. LifeNRA

    Happy 25th Shaun

    Happy belated birthday Shaun!!!
  16. Ok, I have not been in a while. But one thing I noticed, after a few posts or looking through a few posts. I am asked to RE-LOG in or I get a message about not having permission to post! Is there something I am missing?
  17. If I was a waterfowl hunter, it would be awesome to get one of them! Very nice!!!
  18. The three together looks awesome! Make the herd! LOL! Man I hope my buck does not take a year! He is usually about 6 months max. But this one might be different, I hope not!
  19. LMBO!!! I was thinking the same thing! Congrats!!!
  20. Looks like that shotgun sure did the job! Congrats! I had a busted up ten pointer a few years ago. They all have more character!
  21. Congrats on your first deer! Hope many more to follow!!!