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Everything posted by LifeNRA

  1. Cool looking pup! Definitely looks like a Shepard/Husky mix, due to them cool looking blue eyes and shepard face!!!
  2. I was an EMT for nine years, volunteer fire fighter for 16 years. All volunteer! Seen my share of bad things, along with some good things. Being both an EMT and a FF, it can be physical job, mostly a FF due to carrying out the tasks of a everyday call. I would consult with your doctor before thinking about any of these two jobs.
  3. Sorry Gentleman! I completely missed this thread! I start hunting the first Saturday in October and will end sometime in January. I have a buck and a doe tag. Hopefully something will be placed here! As far as a name, I am game for whatever you all decide. I am not picky.
  4. I don't think there is just an archery contest, its a deer hunting contest.
  5. LifeNRA

    Posion Ivy

    When I was younger, I had it on 90% of my body. The dermatologist told me the oil from poison can stay in your body for up to a year. Once it finds a weak part of your skin it can show up. Which explains why I would get poison outbreaks in the winter time.
  6. I realize the idiot is trying to be funny. But its not working here! I can't stand his show. Funny you post this! I was going to post something today about his pheasant hunting I briefly watched yesterday! LOL!
  7. I always read that you should never shoot them through the mesh. Why take the chance. JMO.
  8. LifeNRA

    Dolphin Bubbles

    That was cool! My daughter loved it too!!!
  9. Shaun, you better go buy a lottery ticket now! Because you are one lucky individual!!! :jaw:
  10. Right, but then if they are bidding on something that is able to be bought cheaper elsewhere. I have no problem with their ignorance!
  11. Hey, bid on what you can afford! I have limitations. I won't bid on anything unless its a deal. I got a $220 brand new Sage fly rod for $145. I was in a bidding war with a few people. I would have went to $180, but I was very glad to get it for what I paid. Just because your out bid, should not make you angry. Apparently you didn't want it enough. But then paying for something that you can get in the store for a cheaper price should make you happier!
  12. LifeNRA

    Hey GWSmith.......

    Happy Birthday Gary!!!
  13. LifeNRA

    New Monitor

    WOW! I guess they made some awesome improvements in monitors! The wife really surprised me tonight! She came home with a new Samsung EX2220 1920x1080 LED monitor. I guess after the new laptop, looking at the old CRT, she wanted something the same! Only thing now, boy are the browsers really narrow! Going to take a little getting used too!!!
  14. Ill keep you in my thoughts! Hope everything works out!
  15. Yeah been there done that! When I got tested 5-6 years ago, I was 282. After three months of Lipitor, 121. But since heart problems also run in my family, besides having chest pains back then as well. I been taking them since that time. My doc wants me around 100 or less. Just last week I got a call from him telling me to now DOUBLE my meds. 40mg to 80mg because I was 111! Now I didn't think that this number was all that high. Be he does. Now I get tested once a year. Except this time, I go back in 6 weeks. One thing about high cholesterol meds. Be aware of cramping! Mostly in the legs, but it can happen anywhere. If this happens, tell your doc ASAP! You might have to try a few different meds before they find one thats right for you.
  16. Some of my hooked moment was on here reading the stories of the bow hunters. But the major hooked was when I shot my buck the second season I was bow hunting. Which was in 2006. Now I just wish I was bowhunting sooner, and not waiting till I was in my 40's!
  17. LifeNRA

    Gotta love it

    Did you catch anything? How about a few pics!
  18. For once the SCUMBAGS got caught!!! Good for you!!!
  19. LifeNRA

    New Laptop

    Yep! One on the way!!! Yeah I know. I play Battlefield Bad Company 2. My PC plays it well, but I know it could be better!
  20. LifeNRA

    New Laptop

    Posting from my new laptop, this is so cool! Now I want to find other networks when I travel!
  21. Thanks Norm! Ill have to try that. Today is not as bad as yesterday.
  22. Hmmmmmm. Where is all the obo supporters now? I guess they must be helping to build that mosque!