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Everything posted by TreeStandBowHunter

  1. Re: First one of the season is down. (pic) Nice deer, congrats!!!
  2. Re: Sean \"P. Diddy\" Combs [ QUOTE ] But he has also has a "bad rep" like so many other hip hop artists just like him. Granted, he is not as bad as some of the others, at least he is trying to help, and really, since his deal with the gun charge with his bodyguards a few years back, he has kept his nose clean pretty well. [/ QUOTE ] Agreed. Like so many others in THAT field, he has a bad rep. But he is doing exactly what he wants people to see him doing. I guess it's not that hard to do something every once in a while to draw public attention to make yourself look good and hopefully get them to forget what you represent. But hey, good for him.
  3. Re: Who Do You THINK Will Win? Same here, Kerry might pull this off because he is telling Americans exactly what they want to hear! Bush is just telling it like it is. I think America is really fed up with this Iraq thing. Hopefully Bush wins because I think he is better for the military and thats really all I care about. If Kerry wins, us military personnel are screwed! JMO
  4. Re: Rock and Heavy Metal Fans Only!!! Life NRA your a Copy Catter Actually I like Rock-N-Roll as well as Country. I like... Twisted Sister Guns N Roses Duran Duran Megadeath Def Leopard ACDC Montley Crew The list goes on and on....I like a lot of Classic and 80's rock and roll
  5. Re: Picture Posting I like it, thanks Realtree!!!
  6. Re: I am a LOSER..... I've done crazy things like that too so don't feel bad. I've forgotten my release several times. I have forgotton my rifle once during rifle season already.
  7. They make laundry detergent out their for hunters with no UV brightners. Look in your local wally world and you shall find...BTW...look in the hunting section! Hope this helps!
  8. Re: FIRST BOW KILL!!!! (240lbs & 8pts) Nice deer and congrats on the trophy!
  9. Re: Miracles Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
  10. Re: Miracles [ QUOTE ] Well for those of you that know me, I think of Islam and that Koran thing the same way I think of our little tent city over their in the middle east . When I do my business in the toilet everyday, I look down in the toilet bowl and as I flush, I picture a whole bunch of this Middle East crap....going down there too. I understand if this gets edited but I couldn't resist the URGE [/ QUOTE ] You got me good didn't you Buckee.... Hey if people wouldn't give me ammo, I wouldn't shoot off
  11. Re: Miracles Well for those of you that know me, I think of Islam and that Koran thing the same way I think of our little tent city over their in the middle east . When I do my business in the toilet everyday, I look down in the toilet bowl and as I flush, I picture a whole bunch of this Middle East crap....going down there too. I understand if this gets edited but I couldn't resist the URGE
  12. Re: PA \"Mini-Round-UP\"????? Oh man, I was just up there too in Bedford hunting. I'll be back up but not until the 9th of Nov!
  13. Re: Read on stand? [ QUOTE ] Nope ..I save my reading for at home, besides, if I'm not paying attention to the task at hand, I might miss something...anything. [/ QUOTE ] Gotta go with Buckee on this one. Heck, I might get wrapped up in the book so much, I might forget about the hunt at hand
  14. Re: Why We Are At War [ QUOTE ] Ooh Rah Staff Sergeant. You tell em. Semper Fi and Ill see ya on the other side. [/ QUOTE ] Back at ya Sgt of Marines. Welcome to the forums partner.
  15. Re: Why We Are At War That's a good post. What would this world do without the United States
  16. Re: WE CAN NEVER FORGET!!! [ QUOTE ] Outstanding!!! Thanks for the link. This should be played on TV to remind people why we are at war. [/ QUOTE ] Yeah, exactly. They also need to play it on TV to remind the Americans who did this to us. Then maybe we won't worry about offending someone at the airport because they get pulled aside to get screened. Great Post LifeNRA. Thank You for showing us that!!!
  17. Re: Post your 2004 scores here. Had another shoot today. Not my best but I shot the best I could for today. Last week I had a 202/240 in Bowhunter class. Today, it was a pretty hard set-up, 174/240. The highest score in Bowhunter class was 184 so I guess my lousy score isin't so depressing afterall Plus it doesn't help if you have 2 5's either.
  18. Re: A Proposition I would love to do this but would all depend on my current situation!