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Everything posted by stevebeilgard

  1. It has been one heck of a fast 10 years. It's been far too long for lots of us.
  2. It's been too long for lots of us. 


  3. It seems we are all "too busy" for the forums. It was once great, but somehow (I'm guessing facebook) things have changed. Yet, our love of the industry remains strong.
  4. The fire jumpers are in the worst category of safety. If things change on the jumpers, they is no backup to help them. Hooray and God bless to one & all of them.
  5. stevebeilgard

    New Pool

    Great job. Summer is about here.
  6. Somehow, I'm translating "watching" him to "patterning" him....
  7. At 74, it all applies. lol
  8. Congrats, Lewis. 47 years as a guide/outfitter tells me you'll love it. At least I sure did. Good luck and good success. I'm not a bear hunter, but I do have friends who are bear outfitters. I helped him with 2 types of bait. One was shetland ponies and old horses. He'd lead them to the stand for a 1 way trip. The bears would take a week to eat them. The second thing he did was gather donuts daily from the local donut shop. The free, day old ones. He put them in a 55 gallon drum all year long. At hunting time he'd set the drums out. The bears cannot resist donuts, and the bait was free. Just a couple things to consider.
  9. Wyoming has more antelope than people. They still offer up to 5 tags per person, with excellent results. Lots of open land hunting, lots of ranchers will let you hunt (ususally $$ involved) and camp anywhere.
  10. A peppermint cream works well for us fishing in Alaska, but I don't know how well the mint smell will work in the woods. I think the deer may be keene to any unusual smell. Then again, mint is a natural thing so maybe animals will be fine with a mint in the air.
  11. I truly do not believe the need for meat exists. Literally every state G&F has a helpline where a needy family will get poached or road kill animals almost at will. Folks who hunt at night or off season are committing a crime and I think poacher is a good word. A guy who makes a mistake or simply didn't know the law is not a poacher to me, but still in the wrong. Simply put, poaching is the illegal taking of game. That is whether you know the laws or not. It's like driving down the highway with a 75 mph speed limit and missing the sign saying 50 mph. You'll get the same ticket not knowing the limit as the guy knowing it and taking his chance.
  12. College, and all schools, are 98% (guessed) liberals. Any conservative teacher must keep his/her mouth shut. Period. Kids today are not prepared for any conflict or to lose at anything. Our kids are weak. Teach them yourself, and let them know what to expect. I told my grandkids to go to a trade school or into the military. That, after my 2 daughters went to college and further. (Doctor). Education is great but a work ethic is even better.
  13. Less is more. Stop with Great.
  14. The only problem with being retired is I don't get weekends off. lol
  15. stevebeilgard


    Fishing season is here. That'll keep my going until hunting season arrives.
  16. stevebeilgard

    New mount

    Very nice. I've not seen one like that. Way to go, Sarah
  17. I hope you love the retirement thing as much as I do, Tim. Way to go.
  18. Don't you live & hunt in Durango?  Is that a general elk area? Or do you need to draw for 1st season bulls? I'm at [email protected]. I just don't get on here much any more. Have no idea why.  Steve

    1. Hungry Horse

      Hungry Horse

      HI Steve:  5/28/20  Sorry it took me so long to see this.  Not on much anymore.   I live in s/w Pa.  I only have hunted Colo in Oct- Nov  1970, when stationed at Ft Carson Colo.    1st and 4th rifle season in Colo for elk is always a" Draw" tag.  I do miss hunting Colo and have been their several times...  but on ski trips and vacations with the girlfriend.  I only know Colo hunting through my computer research,  scouting trips on fall vacations,  and Colo hunting friends that share info with me.  I have researched  the western states for over 20 years hoping to get back out for an elk hunt. As... I did here back in 2016 I think, with Charlie's... Silvertip thread...  I try to help other out of state hunters with good information to help them be successful...  and  not experience... just a camping trip.    Best to you & yours and good health to you... in Wyo & Alaska  !  HH