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Everything posted by Texan_Til_I_Die

  1. Re: Best Buck Pic Ever Not bad for central Texas deer. Score around 120 or so?
  2. Re: A Sticky Situation If the stinker doesn't want to leave - toss a handful of mothballs in the garage. That usually works for me.
  3. Re: Londonderry School board bans Yearbook gun pho I had a picture in my Senior yearbook (Class of 1977) of me posing with a gun and a whiskey bottle. Bet that wouldn't make it past the PC senors today. I didn't turn out to be a murdered or a drunk. BTW - That same yearbook had a pic of the vice-principal posing with a shotgun.
  4. Re: UV brightners in landry detergents????? If you want to check your gear for UV brighteners, get a blacklight and see if they flouresce (sp?) under it.
  5. Re: Morning or afternoon? I typically see my biggest deer in the mornings, but I see more deer in the afternoons. I enjoy the afternoon hunts more.
  6. Re: Big Saskatchewan Muley (photos) Awesome! Way to go!!!
  7. Re: Why We Are At War I've read this 5 or 6 times and I've just thought of something to add. Always remember, THEY STARTED IT!!!
  8. Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies Check out this site for Legacy Outfitters . You might be interested in starting a chapter in your area. The best description I've heard so far is "It's like Promise Keepers - but with guns!"
  9. Re: your shotgun ?? #1 choice is a Winchester 101 20 gauge O/U #2 choice is a Winchester 96 12 gauge O/U
  10. Re: What do you do While on Stand I watch, listen and learn.
  11. Re: WE CAN NEVER FORGET!!! I'm not usually a violent or vengeful person, but for the people who did it and those who support what was done... Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out.
  12. Re: Why do you hunt? In no particular order - natural instincts, companionship, meat, trophies, the challenge.
  13. Re: Guns you each use for coyote hunting ? Ruger M77 - 220 Swift Savage 116 - 7 Rem Mag Ruger Single Six - 22 Mag