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Everything posted by Shutter

  1. I know this is an outdoors website.. but I was just curious if anyone has ever photographed a musical concert? One can capture some pretty powerful photographs. Especially if the venue has all of the colored lights and fog machines etc.. Anyone else ever take a stab at photographing a live performance? Here is one of my favorites...
  2. Re: Whats wrong with my boat???? that's not my boat.. just noticed it when looking online.. too funny though, I dont think the boat manuf even knows it is on there!! I just said it was my boat to make fun.. huntin_girl, when are you taking ME fishing!! someone informed me they were slammin the grouper off shore in FL... hmm who said that??? yeah, not sure about those zukis.. I hear they are quiet though (as most 4stks).. a buddy told me it was one of those NASCAR boats.. good for doing circles I think the big difference would be the torque.. going down on the throttle would be a nightmare to counter steer if one was significanly stronger in torque.. I dont know how much difference that would make .. enjoy!
  3. Man, I just bought this boat.. Talked the sales guy down real good too! It turns REAL good to the left, not so good to the right.. Anyone have any ideas?? Here is a pic.. anyone see whats wrong?? LOL
  4. Re: Ultimate Lizard Fighting Championship wow, have never even heard of that before.. wonder what they were fighting over?? a bug or something or maybe a girl lizard
  5. Re: cool lumenok pics [ QUOTE ] Tripod and about a 1/2 second shutter speed. We had to take a bunch of pics trying to time the shutter snap to realeasing the arrow. [/ QUOTE ] wow, your bow is probably shooting 300ft/sec.. that is tough to fit into a 1/2 sec frame.. good job to the camera man!! (and the archer too) none the less, good pics
  6. Re: cool lumenok pics very cool.. how did you photograph it? just set up a 2-3 sec shutter?
  7. Re: How do you print your digital photos? [ QUOTE ] The thing is, the color is waterproof, and will last for over tens years or longer without fading [/ QUOTE ] yeah, that is great about Epson inks, they are archival. The Epson printers put out a good print too. Definitely one of the best ink jet photo printers.
  8. just wondering what method everyone uses to print photos? What do you like or dislike about your printing option? Do you roll your own and print at home? Upload and print online? Take them to a development lab? I do all of the above For uploading, I use I upload my jpg file and then order them. I see them arrive in the mail a few days later. I like this for ordering mass prints. They did a big 16x20 for me, turned out great. pretty affordable too. (.20c per 4x6) I also just recently bought a dye sublimation printer for printing them at home. This is great if I want instant gratification or want to do a test proof of a shot. turns out to be about .50 per 4x6 but there is a big convenience factor and fast turn around time. Good for just printing a couple favorites.. I also use a photo lab in town. I am not sure what this guy does different , but whatever I get from him, is a step above anything else I have used. I see big hi-res blown up photos of NASA-themed subjects in there(hubble telescope, Shuttles, Space Station). I think he does printing for them (NASA is just up the road from this lab). I photographed a friend's wedding, and had some 11x14's and 16x20's printed, framed and matted there. They were amazing. They cost a bit more, but if I am being paid for a job, I wouldnt want anything less. This photo was printed at 11x14 by the pro lab and looks jus wunnerful. Anyone have a printer that they like? or use an online service like shutterfly or snapfish? I have heard good things about SAMs and Walmart too (.19c per 4x6).. never used them though
  9. Re: Foggy Morning Scenery be happy respond to your (anyone's) PM's
  10. Re: Foggy Morning Scenery well, I totally agree a tripod is a very big inconvenience. A monopod helps, but can still be a big inconvenience.. Here is the thing to look for.. when you half press the shutter, you should be able to see your aperature and shutter speed (eg, f2 1/125s) or something similiar to that in your LCD/view finder IF your shutter speed is reading less than 1/100s (mine only displays 100, but that represents 1/100s), then there is a good chance that you will blur the shot due to hand shake. It is just too hard for someone to hand hold a shot that slow.. It can be done, and there are a couple of tricks for shooting from the hip, but you are taking a gamble. This really only applies for low light situations (including indoor shots). That's why the camera is slowing down the shutter speed so much, so it can gather enough light to properly expose the photograph. If you find yourself shooting with a shutter less than 1/100s, you will have to either bump up the ISO, force the camera to shoot at 1/100s via shutter priority (may cause your photo to be a little underexposed, but its better than a blurred shot), and or you can stop down your aperature (field of view) if you still have room to adjust(around f2).. I didnt intend for this to be a technical document on photography.. but I REALLY know how frustrating it can be to get blurred shots and I deal with it to some degree everytime I shoot early morning or late evening wildlife. do you know how to view the exif data on your existing (blurred) files? That will indicate what your shutter speed was when you captured the shot.. to view the exif on a jpeg file, right click on the file, go to properties, click on summary, click on advanced, and presto, you have the technical details of that photograph. fire away if you have any questions..
  11. Re: Foggy Morning Scenery [ QUOTE ] still ending up with some blurry images [/ QUOTE ] if you are shooting in low light without a tripod you may be dealing with slow shutter speed too.
  12. Re: Foggy Morning Scenery nice sunrise... I bet it was even better in person. Thanks for sharing it.
  13. Re: Any Gulf Coast anglers here? [pics inside] Glad you guys like the pics, TBryan, The big reds were caught close to Pelican Island, in the Galveston Channel. Hi huntin girl, actually, those redfish were over the keeper limit. One was 36" and the other was 39". The limit in Texas is 20"-29". The bigger ones don't taste as good so I hear.
  14. Re: Any Gulf Coast anglers here? [pics inside] one more. Just about to pull away from the dock for a day of salt spray and sun burns.
  15. Do I have any salty brethren out there? I fish the Texas gulf coast (inshore) quite a bit. Mostly for redfish and speckled trout. We usually drift the shallow flats along the Texas coast. Anyone else familiar with these parts? Here are a couple of pics.. 2 big bull redfish, released to reproduce and fight another day, and 2 early morning sun rises. Enjoy
  16. Here are a couple flower pics I have collected so far this spring: Easter Lilly Coastal Marsh Blue Bonnets Anyone else have spring photos? post 'em up