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Everything posted by Shutter

  1. Re: Hawaiian Shirt Camoflage A good study and analysis on how and what deer see here. Mr. Jordan has a comment also.
  2. Re: Hawaiian Shirt Camoflage [ QUOTE ] know they see differently than us, but I don't think it's black and white. [/ QUOTE ] yeah, the b/w was an over simplification in that study IMO. deer essentially are color blind in the red and green wave lengths. (that is why blaze orange camo works well) their vision is much more helpful at night time and for detecting movement. distinguishing fine details or color is not one of their strong characteristics.
  3. Are there any aurora photographers here? If so, post up some shots and details Shooting the northern lights is something that I hope that I get to do this winter. I find them very mystical and intriguing.
  4. Re: Texas @ Ohio St. [ QUOTE ] It felt to me like Texas was getting blown out and then you look at the score and they were only 3 - 6 points behind. [/ QUOTE ] I had the same impression. thankfully OSU could only shoot field goals each time we turned it over.
  5. Re: A Different Tred Barta I like Tred, and I liked that show. Videography was unbelievable, perhaps the best I have ever seen in the hunting genre. Huge congrats to the man behind the lens.
  6. Sounds exciting. What part of Texas are you heading too? I hear those Aoudad are some tuff animals.
  7. Re: View of the St. Lawrence River at sunset very nice photo
  8. Re: Boat for Sale hmm that looks different than ours, must be a different model/year. nice pics though.
  9. Re: Hawaiian Shirt Camoflage [ QUOTE ] I have seen that before, I think on the predator camo website. [/ QUOTE ] I didn’t see it on Predator's page, but maybe it used to be there. I like the big break up patterns like ASAT and Predator.
  10. Shutter

    mojo dove

    Re: mojo dove We used one, they worked like a magnet.
  11. anybody using this stuff yet?? take a look at how well this guy's shirt breaks up his silhouette and this is what he was actually wearing these examples came from a study done here:
  12. Re: Boat for Sale I'm not interested in purchasing the boat, but I am interested in seeing your pics. My dad used to have an 18' Glassmaster with a 115 Evin. It was a green bow rider. That was the boat that I learned everything in. Still miss that old boat ahh the memories.. anyways, would like to see the pics for old times sake
  13. Re: Mexican Army Invades U.S. Thats great, Im not gonna lie, we need the help. !muchas gracias mexico!
  14. Re: Photobucket at it again... I dont know if I'm allowed to plug this or not.. I've seen others do it so I guess it is okay, but has unlimited storage for photos and video, no advertisements or watermarks on your photos either. It's been available for a couple years now, I've never had or seen any problems.
  15. Re: Katrina Victims to Get $2K Debit Cards [ QUOTE ] I will get back with you later on this, right now I have a little trip I need to make to the other side of Houston. [/ QUOTE ] hey trophies, come pick me up too! you know whats funny.. Downtown Houston has a bad homeless problem.. there is this guy that I always see at the bus stop that is holding a sign basically saying "give me money/food".. well a few days ago, I passed him, and he was holding a card board sign that said Louisiana Refugee, Please Help!
  16. pretty nice video, choreographed to music and everything. Some of it is done with a fly rod, some is done with top waters. Watching a tailing redfish pursue and then strike your lure is an unbelievable experience. really gets the adrenaline pumping. makes me want to go launch the boat and fish the flats right now! click on the video at the link below.
  17. Re: What\'s the best deer stand name you\'ve had? cool names.. we had a couple sendero stand skyscraper topless stand (illegal) alien stand here is a view from the alien stand
  18. Re: Venison Meatloaf ->anyone have experience with it? thanks for all of the feed back.. I tried it last week. I just swapped out the beef with venison and it turned out "wunnerful" i always like to drown my meatloaf with ketchup.. it sure did taste good.
  19. Re: Nice Bachelor Party here are a couple more from that same afternoon. dont make fun of the little guy I'm sure he has a lot of potential.
  20. Some pics of a bachelor group.
  21. Re: Who dove hunts? less than a week until the boom boom. anyone else starting to warm up?
  22. we've all been here before..
  23. Shutter

    Great Smokey Mnts?

    Re: Great Smokey Mnts? My brother and I backpacked and fished the Big Creek watershed last year (over labor day).. I always keep a journal on hunting/fishing/camping trips. I'll send it to you in PM.. it has a bunch of other info like what the weather was, what I ate for breakfast, and stuff you dont care about, but you can wade through those details to extract the important fishing details. hope it helps.. I also have a lot of photos, if you are interested, I'll post those.
  24. cool pics! made me think of that polly shore movie where you carves his name in the field with the combine.
  25. Their new compact, full frame DSLR. (eg 1.0x crop factor) Its feature set positions it between their 20D and the EOS-1D, touted as a semi-pro cam. anyone have any thougts on it? I like the full frame effect (12 megapixels) but man it seems to be lacking a few things for being this caliber of a camera.