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Everything posted by Huntr104

  1. Re: Northeastern Varmint calling Thanks Doc
  2. Re: Ever been attacked by a bird?? I've had small birds land on me while on stand. My dad had an owl take his hat right off his head walking out of the woods one night without his flashlight on.
  3. Re: NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS.... SUPERBOWL XXXIX CHAMPS Well, I'm a BIG PATS FAN and I have to tip my hat to the Eagles. They played a great game. I was predicting a blowout and obviously that didn't happen. And even though I'm not a fan of T.O. I have to give him credit. He showed that he had alot of heart to take a huge risk of playing and possibly ending his career. Now let's see if we can go 4 for 5
  4. Re: Another Before Pic. Wow, great looking buck
  5. Re: Took my first coyote by Calling - WOW! Nice pic and congrats. I'll be trying it myself soon with my 12 year old daughter.
  6. Re: Northeastern Varmint calling I'm going to give it a try this coming weekend. I'll be picking up my new rifle just for Coyotes. I too am having a hard time finding literature on Coyote hunting. I did see the book in Cabela's that Doc is talking about. Hey Doc how do you like that book from Cabelas? is it worth the $25?
  7. Re: Bought a new rifle today [ QUOTE ] Huntr, I'm confused Your state says only up to a .22 cal. for what ? Why would they limit you for yote hunting to only a .22 ? too_ [/ QUOTE ] I thought the Hunting Regs said "UP TO .22 Rimfire" but it states "NO RIFLE OTHER THAN .22 RIMFIRE IS ALLOWED FOR HUNTING" except between April 1st and Sept. 30th I can use Centerfire Rifles NO LARGER THAN .229 Does this make any sense to you? It definitely doesn't to me
  8. Re: Bought a new rifle today What a bone head I am....Was just reviewing my states hunting regs and it says that I can only use .22 rimfire cartridges NOT UP TO .22 RIMFIRE. I'm so mad, I was really looking forward to this caliber. I'll have to call my dealer and change my order. I'll still stick with the 597 I'll just change it to .22 WMR
  9. Re: Emmit Smith retires Wow, I didn't think he'd retire. I thought he wanted to play one more year. Well he's got the Hall of Fame waiting for him now.
  10. I ordered a Remington Model 597 LS HB in .17HMR can't wait to do some varmit hunting. I went with this rifle primarily to do some Coyote hunting.. Yeah, I know a little light for yotes but my wonderful state of Rhode Island limits us to the calibers we can use. Tell me if this makes sense to you. On Private land. From April 1st to Sept. 30th I can use Centerfire rifles up to .229 Great I can use my .223 Ruger Ranch Rifle... But any other time of the year they Limit us to Rimfire Only .22 or smaller. So my decision was between the .22 Mag or the .17 HMR. I think I made the right choice. Now I gotta find me a new scope
  11. Re: Buying a Climber I'm 6' 1" and weigh 225. I bought the Summit Bullet-Backpacker this past season and LOVE IT. Best stand I've ever had, and the most comfortable. I occasionally doz off and I feel totally safe in the stand. But if you are bigger than me then definitely go with the Summit Goliath. You won't be disappointed with either one.
  12. Re: Coyote Rifle Question? Which caliber? Robk. I don't think you understood my question. I need to use a Rimfire Cartridge .22 or smaller. I have plenty of rifles ranging from .22 LR up to .338 Win Mag. I have all the calibers covered except now I'm limited by state law.
  13. I live in Rhode Island. So there's my first problem. I can only use a Rimfire Cartridge, no larger than .22 .22 Magnum is acceptable to hunt for Coyotes. April 1st - Sept. 30 I can use Centerfire cartridges no larger than .229 which is fine. Come April I have no problem b/c I'll use my .223 Ruger Ranch Rifle to hunt with. But for now it's a toss up between the .17 HMR or a .22 WMR. Any help, advice or feedback if you own the .17 HMR. I already own two .22 long rifles Thanks
  14. Re: Eating Crow We'll at least you're a good sport. Better luck next year
  15. Re: Super Bowl Picks.... The New England Patriots baby
  16. Re: It\'s Halftime Superbowl here we come. GO PATS
  17. Just like I figured. Big Ben looking like the rookie he is...But don't worry Steeler fans we'll be playing you in the regular season next year. I guess you'll have to wait to then for some payback
  18. Re: Moss may be traded? My guess would be Baltimore.
  19. Re: See The Steelers in the Superbowl Just curious how many of you have money riding on this game???
  20. Re: Patriots=Super Bowl winners! Man, the Pats aren't getting any love in here . We'll see what happens in a few hours. I think the rookie in Ben will show up big today. If we can make Peyton look bad we shouldn't have a problem making Ben look bad. Either way it should be a great game.
  21. Re: Late season bucks Beautiful bucks
  22. Re: Pics From This Week Awesome pics
  23. Re: To my loving Green Bay Packer Friends although i'm a huge Patriots home team. I'm a big Brett Favre fan and I hope to see him stay for another season.
  24. Re: Patriots=Super Bowl winners! Sorry Steeler fans. Although I do think you guys have a great team and a great rookie QB, I have to say that my Pats are gonna take this one. Better luck next year guys. GO PATRIOTS
  25. Re: Moss may be traded? Good player. Never been a fan of him though. He's got a big ego and a bad attitude. Let his stay where he is