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Everything posted by Huntr104

  1. Re: New pics Nice pics. Looks like the Velvet is starting to drying up a bit
  2. Re: BUCKS, BUCKS, AND MORE BUCKS!!! Great pics. I can't believe they're shedding already. They don't shed till mid Sept. here.
  3. Re: lookie here Looks like I know what you'll be dreaming about till opening day. Nice Pic
  4. Re: Here\'s a shooter Nice chop. lol
  5. Re: Big Bass Nine, 08-10-05 He's nice now. Will definitely be bigger come October too but will be real nice next season if he makes it through this year. Good luck
  6. Re: Couple Young Eights nice pics
  7. Re: Latest homemade digitals - what do you think? Nice job. If I had the time I'd like to try making one myself.
  8. Re: I CAN\'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm with ya. I love football....just not as much as hunting. Plus I'm in 10 different Fantasy Football leagues. lol
  9. Re: Big Buck from 8-5-05 Awesome
  10. Re: wed thru sat buck pics. Nice set-up you got there. Great pics
  11. Re: Packer Fans!! From ESPN. " Walker injured his left hamstring Sunday and was held out the rest of Packers' practice, the Associated Press reports. "I felt something pull when I was running," Walker said, adding, "it's not that bad at all. I could have kept on going. But, it's just taking a precaution before it gets worse than what it already is." Coach Mike Sherman said the decision to keep Walker out of the rest of the practice was for precautionary reasons. Assuming that his hammy trouble is nothing major, it's almost refreshing to see Walker's name in the news for something other than his contract issues. "
  12. Re: Fantasy Football people Sent you a PM Break Through.
  13. Re: Fantasy Football people Did I mention that it's TOTALLY FREE. Just for fun, Espn has great FFL's
  14. Re: The UFC Yep, I'm watching too
  15. Re: 2nd roll Do you have the camera elevated. Looks like the deer is looking up at it?
  16. I'm looking for a competitve person to join my league. I have one spot open. It'll be a Live Online Draft Monday August 15th @ 7:30 pm EST. It's run by ESPN and it is a free league. 12 Teams Head to Head Performance Scoring. Send me a pm with your Email address and I'll send you the invitation. Thanks
  17. Re: Is it Oct. 1st yet!! I'm with ya. Oct. 1st can't come soon enough
  18. Re: morning or evening? I prefer anytime. Any time I'm hunting is my favorite. But I do like early morning the best.
  19. Re: Latest bow season closing date??? Jan. 31st here in Rhode Island
  20. Re: 05-06 RT Forum Deer Contest - SIGN-UP Huntr104 32 Oct. 1st--Jan. 31st
  21. Re: A Few Nice Rhode Island Bucks Thanks, these bucks are roaming on Public Land to boot.
  22. Here's a few pics I just had developed. Sorry for the poor pic quality. I had to clean them up a bit. Hopefully in a few weeks I'll have bigger and better pics of these guys with my new digital cam. The first is a 7. The second is a big 9 with lots of growing to do. Lastly is a nice 6. These pics were taken in July.
  23. Re: Wildlife pics from around the house Awesome pics
  24. Re: Got my new Leaf River Cam. Have a question? Thanks again for the advice. I'll be putting it out this weekend and in a few weeks I'll put up some pics of a few nice Rhode Island bucks. I have a couple pics of them with my 35mm Deer cam. It'll be easier to get the pics up with the digital.
  25. Re: Got my new Leaf River Cam. Have a question? So I should get pretty good pics with the factory settings? Thanks again