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Everything posted by Huntr104

  1. Re: Homebrew pics - deer Nice pics. He's gettin some while he can. lol
  2. Re: T-MINUS 17 HOURS and Counting........ Wow. Good luck tomorrow. Noon is the opening??? Never heard of that before. Can you be in your stand before noon?
  3. Here our my first pics from my first Homebrew camera.
  4. Re: A few more pictures from this month [ QUOTE ] Huntr, The pictures are from my D50 which is 6 mp. the pictures are a 3008 x 2000 dpi out of the camera. I use Jasc paint shop pro 9 First thing I do is save as, that way I am not messin with the original picture. I size the picture down to 2000 x 1330 then crop the deer I want. then edit and cut. after that I undo to the original picture. Sometimes I reduce the picture more or less depending on the size I want when put back into the picture. Next I edit the picture. (lighten, change colors. etc.) what ever looks good to me. Then I size the picture down to 650 x 432 dpi. That is the size I put in here. after reducing to that size I paste the picture in. That was you see the whole picture and the landscape, plus the enlarged deer also. Jack [/ QUOTE ] Thanks Jack. I'll have to try that out. It looks great.
  5. Re: Couple pics from the homebrew [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Very nice. That's what I just built too. I'm waiting for my first pics. I'll have them posted by next weekend. What camera are you going to build next. I like to go with the Sony S600, S40 or do an IR unit. [/ QUOTE ] Not sure yet, but my design for my case will definitely be different and will go with a bigger case than the 1020 next time around. [/ QUOTE ] Yeah, that must of been a tight fit. I did my cam in a 1040 case and fit perfectly. I still had to dremel the sides of the case to get the cam in.
  6. Re: Couple pics from the homebrew Very nice. That's what I just built too. I'm waiting for my first pics. I'll have them posted by next weekend. What camera are you going to build next. I like to go with the Sony S600, S40 or do an IR unit.
  7. Re: Couple pics from the homebrew Nice pics. What camera did you use with your homebrew?
  8. Re: A bunch of NY bucks (photos)... Too bad the quality is so poor. Looks like you have some excellent bucks there.
  9. Re: New LR pics.... Some Good Ones Great pics. I couldn't tell you what he'd score. Sorry
  10. Re: A few more pictures from this month Awesome pics. How do you put the small blown up pic inside the pic? Is that a certain program you're using?
  11. Re: My First HomeBrew camera is complete. Thanks. No it's not up yet. I'll put it out tomorrow night and I'll leave it out for a week so give me about 10 days to get some pics up. Yeah, Bond, I never thought of that. lol. no I'm not a lefty. Like you said It doesn't really matter. Cost, I have about $200 into it completed. Depending on how much you get the Sony camera on ebay for. I got mine for $70 but have seen the same exact one go for a little over $100. All the materials are. Sony DSC-P32 camera, PixController KITU03 which is the board and everything you need EXCEPT the case. You can get the case from them too but they were out of stock when I ordered, and the Pelican 1040 micro case. Here's a good link Bond sent me that got me started. Good luck.
  12. Re: whitetail silhouette photos Excellent photos.
  13. Well I just finished my first Homebrew camera. It is a Sony P32 with a PixController Universal Board in a Pelican 1040 micro case. Overall it went very well. I just have to test it now to make sure it doesn't allow water to get in and it's ready for the woods. Thanks for your help Bond.
  14. Re: A few pictures over the last month. Beautiful pics
  15. Re: new homebrew finished(pics) Looks great. Looks like a P32 in a 1040 case right? What board did you go with? I'm building my first one right now and I'm waiting for my Pix board kit to come in as we speak.
  16. Re: Homebrew Game Cam Tutorial..... Yep, I agree. I'm in the process of building my first cam right now. I'm building a Sony P32 with Pix Universal board in a 1040 case.
  17. Re: Pa. Buck. Great buck. Good luck with him this fall
  18. Re: This Years Target!! attention Tomanator Great buck. I have to say that's the biggest pic I've ever seen. lol
  19. Re: latest LR pics, all good bucks again!!! nice bucks
  20. Re: More Good Bucks Yup, those are some good looking bucks.
  21. Re: Trail Cam Gone Bad!!!! Yup, I'm sure the lightning had something to do with it.
  22. Scared you huh? lol. Thought this was a neat pic.
  23. Re: Velvet Muley Photos Great pics. I'm assuming you are a professional photographer with pictures that spectacular.
  24. Re: Shooter? Here in my neck of the woods, he wouldn't be walking past my treestand without gettin an arrow launched at him. Good luck with him. He's still got some growing to do too.