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Everything posted by Huntr104

  1. Re: Reloading ???\'s. Looking to get into it Thanks, you too VTbowman
  2. Re: Reloading ???\'s. Looking to get into it Good glad to hear it. I'll be heading up for the turkey opener.
  3. Re: Reloading ???\'s. Looking to get into it Good tips, thanks guys. Hey VTbowman? We talked before, I hunt in central VT, you guys are taking a beating with snow lately huh? How much do you guys have on the ground? It can't be good for the deer getting that much snow at this time of the year. You think there will be a high mortality rate this winter?
  4. Re: Homebrew Cameras?? [ QUOTE ] You can build cheaper units, I like the sony cams, the two models I mentioned have become somewhat of rare commodity on ebay and have been for some time. Some of the other cams out there that can be used, can be found considerably cheaper. Figure about $100 for your kit if you go with a universal kit, then whatever the camera you get costs you. If you are looking to keep your cost down, you could also opt for the leII kit, which is about $80 or so. They are not tough to build, and you end up with a camera that will easily outperform any commercial cams out there. [/ QUOTE ] You can't beat a homebrew. I have a Sony P32 and P41. Easy to do, better quality pics than both my leaf river and Non Typical Deer cam. Depending on what you can get the cameras for you add approx $100 for a case and pixcontroller kit. Try it out, you won't be disappointed. Good luck. Here's a pic of my first Homebrew. Its a Sony P-32 with Pix Universal kit with trailmode. I love it. The P 41 is just as easy with a little bit better resolution seeing it has more megapixels. [image][/image]
  5. I want to start reloading. My Dad did it for years and then stopped. I can remember helping him when I was a little kid. But my Dad has given away all his reloading equipment and books. So we're going to have to start from scratch. I'll be reloading for all my guns mainly rifles and handguns ranging from .22 up to .338. What is a good place to look for a kit? or should I buy all the components separately? I don't want to spend a ridiculous amount of money but I don't want a cheap kit either. Any sites or help would be appreciated.
  6. Re: **HUNTIN PICS FROM THE PAST #2** beware dial-u Great pics
  7. Re: Antlers are already starting *pics* Nice pics. I love getting pics like that. You get to keep an eye on their development as the year goes. Keep us updated.
  8. Re: Rhino Liner or Line-X Bed liners Yeah, that's what I keep hearing. I'm gonna go with the Line-X. Thanks all
  9. Re: Rhino Liner or Line-X Bed liners Thanks. ANyone else? I can't believe with all the truck owners out there that I'm not getting many responses.. I guess these liners are not too popular. lol
  10. I have to get either the Rhino Liner or Line-X. Can anyone tell me which is better? and What liner you have and if you like it? How much do they cost too? thanks
  11. Re: just finished this one Looks good. Nice job
  12. Re: Need Help finding the right scope bases Ok. I'll check it out. THanks
  13. Re: Need Help finding the right scope bases [ QUOTE ] Is this what you want? [/ QUOTE ] Nope. but thanks. I checked that site and they didn't have it. I need it for a WSM not a WSSM.
  14. Re: Need Help finding the right scope bases Thanks VT, i'll check it out.
  15. Huntr104

    Got a new Toy

    Re: Got a new Toy Thanks everyone. Well, this Tundra has everything my Z-71 did and more. Towing capacity, Hauling capacity, larger engine. 5.7 compared to 5.3 from my Chevy. I'm not knocking my Chevy. This truck just suits me better.
  16. Huntr104

    Got a new Toy

    This truck is replacing my 05 Silverado Z-71. Man I love this truck.
  17. Hi, I need some help. I just bought a Winchester model 70 chambered in .270 WSM. I want standard Leupold bases. I already have my Leupold Rings but am having trouble getting the right part #. I've tried contacting Leupold and have not recieved a response. So can someone give me the correct part # for Standard Leupold bases, matte finish, with a windage rear for a Winchester model 70 in .270 WSM. Thanks
  18. Re: Few more pics from last week Very nice pics. Gotta love the homebrews
  19. Re: Recent Picts. from the backyard Nice pics. That 2nd deer is small, probably making his head look big.
  20. Re: Gamecam pics Great pics as usual
  21. Re: Some deer from tonight. Nice pics. I think I would die if I ever saw that many deer together. lol.
  22. Re: March Theme, \"Peekaboo!\" Here's a curious little Bobcat
  23. Re: Things you look for in a trail cam Detection range
  24. Re: Wolves in Action ( Pics ) It doesn't matter to me what the story is....Those are some amazing pics.
  25. Re: Game cam pics What a spread. Great buck. It's better off you didn't shoot him. Just imagine what he'll look like this year. Good luck