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Everything posted by Huntr104

  1. Re: mother nature\'s artwork *pics* Wow, did you take those pics?? If so what are you using for a camera? Those pics are beautiful
  2. I have 2 .22 LR's that I want to get rid of. The first one I'm not concerned about b/c it's a Henry Mini-Bolt and I only paid about $160 for 2 years ago. The gun in question is a Weatherby Mark XXII with a Weatherby Mark XXII scope. The gun is approx 30 years old and is in excellent condition. I was just wondering what this gun is worth. I can't seem to find a place that has a "Blue Book" for guns. Thanks
  3. Re: New Camera???? Photographers Help needed Well I finally picked one up yesterday. I bought the Panasonic DMC-FZ7. It has a 12x Optical Zoom, 6mp, 2.5" Screen. and tons of other features I have no Idea how to use. lol. Now I have to read an encyclopedia to learn how to use it. I'll try to get some pics up as soon as I learn to use it. Thanks to all for your advice.
  4. Re: 03/07/06 MO... any day would think... ****, it's almost April.
  5. Re: New Camera???? Photographers Help needed Thanks guys. Can you tell me anything else I should be looking for in a camera? I'll be using it out in the woods more than anything. I"m really green to this and the more I read the more confused I get.
  6. Re: New Camera???? Photographers Help needed Thanks smallmunster. I've seen that camera online and it gets great reviews. I just started looking actually today online. I want to take my time to make sure I get the options I want. Like: being able to take pics in Low Light Conditions taking still shots in a fast sequence, etc. Can you tell me more about that camera?
  7. I'm looking to buy a new digital camera. (NOT A Trail Camera). I want to keep the cost under $400. I'll primarily be using it for family photos but would like to be able to take it out in the woods for wildlife photos as well. I need something with a good zoom. Image stabilization is also a concern. Any advice or help and recomendations. Thanks
  8. Re: Just got my FoxPro FX-3. Could use some tips Thanks Jeff
  9. Re: Scrape update Nice pics. Don't you hate it when you get a good pic and there's something wrong with it.
  10. My FX-3 came in the other day and I'm going out this Sunday on my first Coyote hunt. I have an area in mind, actually hunting next to a spot where the Fish and Game dump all their road kill. Anyone have any tips on hunting Eastern Coyotes?? Thanks
  11. Re: ar-15 questions I was just going to post this question. I'm very interested in hearing what everyone says.
  12. I have a newer Mini 14 ranch rifle. I'm putting a Nikon Monarch 4-12x AO on and the Weaver style bases are a little too low. I need either extra high bases or a scope mount to get me a little higher so the scope isn't touching the top of the stock. What are my options? Thanks.
  13. Re: A couple of neat bucks Definitely would like to see them in a couple years. # 1 should have an interesting rack and # 2 has some Long brow tines
  14. Re: Favorite Magazine? Thanks guys. I'll check it out.
  15. Re: how do you do the skull mount thing? Yep, skin as much off the skull as possible. Remove the brain and eyes. If you're doing a mount then most people cut the lower jaw off. I boil mine first and used to add bleach. Try the Peroxide because if you use too much bleach then the skull will start to flake when dry. Hope this helps.
  16. I'm looking to subscribe to a Predator Hunting oriented magazine. Here in Rhode Island we don't see many magazines like this around. What do you recommend? I'll primarily be hunting Eastern Coyotes and maybe Red Fox and Bobcat. thanks
  17. Re: FoxPro Game Calls. Questions? I ordered it last Friday. I can't wait to get it.
  18. Re: Some local traffic from this morning Nice shed. Your guys shed a little early huh?
  19. Re: FoxPro Game Calls. Questions? Yes, I've heard of the backorder problem. Oh well, I'll still have some winter left by the time I get it.
  20. Re: FoxPro Game Calls. Questions? Thanks again jcwa. I have 90% of the calls you listed on My list. I'll be placing my order tomorrow. I'm going to get the FX3. Thanks again for your help. I'll be sure to post my first coyote.
  21. Re: FoxPro Game Calls. Questions? You misunderstood me jcwa. I didn't mean a different brand of caller, I meant different calls (sounds). thanks for all the info.
  22. Re: FoxPro Game Calls. Questions? Thanks jcwa. Anything else you can tell me? pros vs. cons? any other calls that are your favorites not listed above? thanks again
  23. Re: Duuhhh... LMAO. That's hilarious. Thanks for telling us. that took guts. lol
  24. Re: FoxPro Game Calls. Questions? The one I'll be ordering is the FX3. So I guess that one comes with 32 different sounds of my choice. Any others you recommend? How far does the remote really work from. They claim 700 yds. not like you'll use that but. If you have 32 sounds and say you want to use sound # 17, how would you scroll through the sounds. I've never used or seen a FoxPro call so I need to know as much as I can before I spend all that money on one. THanks alot
  25. Re: My first Bow Kill Been hunting over 20 years and haven't seen a buck like that never mind take one. Congrats on a great deer.