I was so disucsted when I picked up the paper in my hometown and this is what it said.
For Men Only
A lady wrote me a letter recently saying she didn't much go along with my opinion of feminism.
You get that kind of thing when you are the chief organizer of the now-defunct Ozark Mountain Masculiminist Club. One good thing came from it however. When I said we would allow no women unless they brought cookies and made coffee and weren't allowed to discuss serious issues. Then he goes onto write There is a big outdoorsman's swap meet in Nixa, I proposed to Scott Parson, the organizer of the event for the nixa parks and recreation commission, that we announce it was for men only and women were not allowed!! That of course would get you hordes of free publicity, as women's groups would organize opposition and threaten to sue. The whole thing would make the big city papers and would be something the tv stations could jump on, since it would be of little cost to them to cover such a story, a chief factor in determining what makes the local tv news and what don't. With the publicity attained, you could quickly backtrack of course, open the event to women as if you were forced to, and there would be twice as many ladies come just because they thought you didn't want them there. And as I pointed out to scott ladies have quite a bit more money than men and have developed a propensity, over the years, to spend it on things they don't really need!! He wouldn't go for it and as a matter of fact he seems very nervous abouth the speech I am scheduled to give that day entitled, "WHY WOMEN CAN'T HUNT AND FISH AS GOOD AS MEN!". It is time we took back our rightful place in the outdoors and said it like it is. I intend to get up there, when it comes my time to speak and be brutally honest about the deficiencies of the weaker sex when it comes to hunting and fishing.
When I read this articial I was so mad who does he think he is to tell women they can't hunt and fish as good as men, no offence to any man who reads this but I think that there are alot of women who can hunt and fish just as good if not better than men.
To all the women and men's wife's that hunt you go girls and hunt and fish as much as you want to and after reading this articial I will be there the 26 of feb to tell Larry Dablemont he is full of s____!
If any ladies would like to write Larry Dablemont he email address is www.larrydablemont.com.