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Everything posted by Ozarkgal

  1. Re: I’ve gotta teach my wife to hunt: I think that you should not pressure her into doing something that she does not want to do, but ask her to go along with you and see if she likes it then, most women don't have hunting in there blood, but I think if she goes with you and see's what hunting is all about she will love it. Tell her its not all about killing something its being outdoors where you feel free and not have to worry about anything, its the early morning where the air is clean and cool that just makes you want to relax, and the rush when you see a big buck or see a big turkey. I hope that she goes with you and loves it like I do, we need alot more women in this sport so that we can dominate the men(lol)
  2. Re: Are you single and looking for LOVE? LOL The only thing more rare would be a silent male who was also house broken! [/ QUOTE ] That was a good one HuntingInMaine
  3. Re: Prayers need for my Dad Thanks everyone I know that the prayers help.
  4. Re: Happy Birthday Ozarkgal! Thanks everyone for wishing me a happy b-day , and all the prayers for my father.
  5. Re: Prayer request for my Mom Prayers are sent from missouri
  6. Hello everyone. I would like to get as many prayers for my dad as we can get. My father is a long time hunter loves to be outdoors but starting 3 years ago everything started to go down hill, he is a diabetic, and has some rare kind of infection in his shoulder and back, He can hardly get himself out of bed to go hunting or fishing, it took all he had to take me out turkey hunting for my first time last year and called up a great big tom and I missed. So I thought if we could get alot of prayers maybe he will get to take his daughter out for her 2nd turkey hunt and I'll try not to miss this time.
  7. Ozarkgal

    Lady Bugs

    Re: Lady Bugs yes, we have alot of them here in missouri. Last year i sucked up so many in our wet/dry vac that I blew it up.(haha)So I had to go buy my husband another one.
  8. Hello I got my first box call three days ago, and I keep playing with it trying to make different sounds does anyone have any pointers to give me. -Thanks- and happy hunting
  9. Re: What camo pattern do you wear? Mossy oak obsession it is great for here in missouri for the spring turkey season.
  10. Re: 2005 Realtree Forum Members Turkey Contest Sign Up Ozarkgal Adult Eastern
  11. Re: Hey Everyone Hello and welcome, Have a great hunting season
  12. Re: Midwest 3D Tournament March 2005 I'll be there.
  13. Re: what kind of weapon do you use ladies? 243 rifle and 20 ga shotgun Browning bow
  14. Re: So you can get dressed up, but do you dress deer? I learned the hard way my husband told me if you kill it you clean it, my first deer he stood back and let me do it all. Once you get the hang of it its not so bad.
  15. Re: I think it\'s awesome get down and dirty on hunting [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Girls cannot hunt. [/ QUOTE ] Maybe girls can't, but we WOMEN can!!! Good job hunting in maine
  16. Re: what kind of weapon do you use ladies? I use a rem 243 and I love it.
  17. I was just wondering if anyone knows a guy by the name Clyde Pickle he did live in MO but I think he moved to OK and I need to talk to him its very important If anyone knows him email me at [email protected] Thank You!
  18. Re: 9point\'s 04 Bowkill. *(Pic)* nice deer
  19. Re: ANOTHER Bow Buck *PICS* Good job
  20. Re: Kansas SUCCESS! nice deer
  21. Ozarkgal

    got a nice doe

    Re: got a nice doe congrats
  22. Re: 8 pointer alive 2 days before the killing(pics) Good Job
  23. Re: My buck tag is filled for the year...pics Nice
  24. To everyone in Missouri good luck next weekend!!!, And pray that the weather stays cool.
  25. Re: Big 11 Point Buck (pics) Nice