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Everything posted by Ozarkgal

  1. Re: Beat YA SASKMAN! 36 pointer!~ That is a great deer.
  2. I'm not from pike county but I am from texas county and the deer are starting to move really good.
  3. Re: Do you butcher your own deer? The first deer I killed we took it and had it done and it cost me $125 after that we take the time to butcher, that is way to much money just to throw away.
  4. Re: Election over??? Thank god that bush won!
  5. Re: Need some advice on child bow The browning micro is a great bow.
  6. I live in southern Missouri and the deer are not moving very good as of last week but with the cold front coming in and we have had alot of rain, they should start moving realy good at the end of this week. I have been hunting at least in the last 30 days of bow season I have been hunting around 20 days and have only saw 4 bucks and 1 doe.
  7. Re: Browning bows good or bad? I have a Browning right now and I love it for a first bow it is ok but I would like to have a faster bow.
  8. I am getting a new bow this year for christmas and I would like some input on some bows. My draw length is 26 and lbs is 40. And I would like either a mathews or hoyt.
  9. Re: Lucky Hunters? I have seen 4 bucks and 1 doe this year and missed the first buck he was a 4pt. But I still have 2 more weeks of bow season until gun season starts.
  10. Ozarkgal


    Re: Guys!!! P.S There is nothing more attractive than a girl in camo!!! [/ QUOTE ] Ya'll need to come to Missouri and teach these guys down here that a woman in camo is sexy. When I go to the store after hunting with my camo on everyone looks at me like your a girl you can't wear camo. And I had a guy to tell me that one day I went into walmart and came out and he stoped me and told me that.
  11. Re: have u When I was a little girl dad would take me but only for small game then when I got married, my husband has always loved hunting and he introduced me into bowhunting and riffle hunting for deer. He was the one with me when I took my first deer and we both loved it so much, that he takes me with him often. And can't forget about dad he took me on a spring turkey hunt this year it was amazing.
  12. This morning My husband and I got up and went hunting together, it was a perfect morning only to be ruined by him. He walked me to my stand to get my ezy hanger and it gets caught on my release and hits every step on my stand down only to scare off any deer for 5 miles away LOL then he takes off to his stand which is only about 200 yards away from mine. Well an hour passed by and no luck so I broke out my horns and call to see if I could get anything to come up, after I got done I heard a grunt and I thought this is awsome I finaly called up a deer only to turn around and see that it was my husband I could have strangled him. (LOL)
  13. Re: SOOO Scared.....PLEASE Pray Prayers are being sent I hope that he is ok and you are right the first thing a hunter should do when he or she gets into a stand is wear there safety harness.
  14. Re: Question for you ladies Well if you are looking for a gun that has a light recoil get a 243 I love my gun and would not trade it for anything. The only thing about the 243 is that is a very loud gun but if either one of them shoot at a deer they will not even know that it goes off.
  15. Re: Missouri hunters I live in texas co. in missouri and I have only saw 2 deer in the day time and a couple of bucks at night driving, I think that they are travling at night still. They also have been eating alot of acorns so they have been staying in the woods alot. Our food plots havn't been hardly touched but hopefully they will start rutting soon. I went scouting today and found all kinds of rubs . Happy Hunting!
  16. Re: My First Bow Kill (pic) Congrats
  17. Re: Buck down!! *Pics are in* That is a great buck, congrats!
  18. I made it to a spike (it only took me a couple of months)LOL
  19. Re: Possible World Record Whitetail Taken In Iowa I have a feeling if I saw a deer that big coming up to me I would drop my gun and hit every limb down out of my stand.LOL
  20. Re: A few old deer pics Those are some great deer pics.
  21. Re: My \'03 Whitetail Thats a good pic.
  22. Re: -Mississippi Albino Buck- That is very cool.
  23. Re: A Christian Hunter\'s Devotions and Studies I just wanted to say Thank YOU to everyone in here! I had been going to church every sunday with my parents, but lately I seem to make excuses to get out of going to church. After reading all of the great things everyone has said It has made me relize that the most important thing in life is to trust in the lord and he will guide you through all the good times and in bad times. Thank you all so much!
  24. Re: A Realtree.com Proposition Hi everyone, Here is a womans choice have it in Licking MO Dead center of the us and there is two nice motels and alot of camping and trout fishing and bass fishing and a 40 target range 12 miles away Just a sugestion.