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Everything posted by RyanH

  1. Re: my b-day present Very slick Ride!
  2. Re: Interesting to say the least LOL just like the Waddell chat night at AT!
  3. Re: Going Away Present FROM ME! [ QUOTE ] Class act Ryan for doing something like this in the first place, very classy and shows how much you care about us on here!! We will miss you on here, don't forget to stop in from time to time. Have a safe move my friend!! [/ QUOTE ] Gotta take care of my Other "Family"
  4. Re: Going Away Present FROM ME! [ QUOTE ] Like Lou said, really cool gesture there on your part. Have a safe trip, and drop in from time to time. btw, what happens with the corvette now? [/ QUOTE ] Its still in the works! They will take pics and send them to me!
  5. Re: Going Away Present FROM ME! Folks they are gone! Gator got it first, and OhioBucks just got the second one! Maybe ill Do another one later on! The specs were 24 pounds, 11 1/2 beard, and 1 1/8 spurs!
  6. Re: Two more 8 pts. Very sweet pics trent!
  7. RyanH

    Robin Hood

    Re: Robin Hood go to the bowhunting forum! they have a few pics up! Including one of mine!
  8. Re: Going Away Present FROM ME! One left!
  9. Re: Going Away Present FROM ME! Alright folks one DVD is Done!
  10. Re: WHAT HAPPENS IN WYOMING [ QUOTE ] no. not ryan. it's jim & charles. maybe some results of this past few days goat chasing... [/ QUOTE ] Man I feel so much better now!
  11. Re: Going Away Present FROM ME! Actaully Ill give 2 of them out! The first two people that PM me the right answer gets a copy
  12. Who ever PM's me with the Correct answer First Gets a copy of our very 1st DVD. Team BuckBuster's Prairie dog pow wow! The question is, The turkey I shot in 2005 was shot in canton oklahoma! This one! What was the beard length? The Spur length? and the weight of this turkey? Its been great! NOW PM me the answer!
  13. Re: my 2006 turkey mount Very nice looking mount!
  14. Re: WHAT HAPPENS IN WYOMING [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Im not sure if this post is directed at me or not! [/ QUOTE ] Gettin nervous are ya??? [/ QUOTE ] LOL i dont know!
  15. Re: Robin Hoods Anyone? Here is one of mine from this year!
  16. Re: Robin Hoods Anyone? [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] 25 yrds.... [/ QUOTE ] this is probably photochopped check it out someone ROFL ... Steve [/ QUOTE ] He is just mad cause his Bowtech cant do it luke! Dont worry about him!
  17. Re: Feathers vs. vanes I will be useing feathers this year! All you gotta do is treat the feathers!
  18. Re: oklahoma cam pics Very nice pics here!
  19. Re: bowtech liberty Awesome bow!
  20. Re: WHAT HAPPENS IN WYOMING [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Wasn't Brokeback Mountain set in Wyoming? Have fun, Ryan!! [/ QUOTE ] YUCK!! [/ QUOTE ] Im not sure if this post is directed at me or not! LOL
  21. Re: WHAT HAPPENS IN WYOMING [ QUOTE ] STAYS IN WYOMING... lol. [/ QUOTE ] Im scared now! Is there something I need to know Steve?
  22. Re: little ones with antlers geez thats some bone right there!
  23. Re: Getting a little better! $2.37 Paid $2.35 a few min ago!
  24. Re: Hey buckee Nice way to drive your post count!
  25. Re: XT holding a XT....!!! Also how do you like that G5 Sight?