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Everything posted by RyanH

  1. Well today I sold my 60-70 pound limbs! And I order 50-60 pound black limbs! Right now as I type this I have my riser soaking in paint thinner! Im getting all the camo paint stripped off. Tomorrow Ill be taking it to a anodizeing company to have it anodized. After that Ill post pics!
  2. RyanH

    Mathews Web Site?

    Re: Mathews Web Site? [ QUOTE ] Proper Grammer: Why ARE the forums not working. Answer, I have NO idea. Maybe they heard you were gonna start posting there and shut down [/ QUOTE ] We all know you are not the snake tamer! The snakes tame you.
  3. RyanH

    Mathews Web Site?

    Why is the forums not working???
  4. Re: 3-D archery misc. equipment PM Sent
  5. Re: Deer VS. Hunter Just makes me wonder why the guy vidoeing didnt help!
  6. RyanH

    Ping 7 Wood

    Re: Ping 7 Wood $50 for the club! Not sure what the shaft is!
  7. Re: Anyone from Oklahoma You use those deer cheaters?
  8. To shoot indoor with? I was going to get a hoyt Protec but a guy backed out on me! I wanted to make my LX 3-d and use the hoyt for indoor! BUT HE BACKED OUT!
  9. Re: New LR pics.... Some Good Ones very nice!
  10. Re: A bunch of NY bucks (photos)... you only got 11 min left you need to charge your battery! Very nice looking deer!
  11. Re: score? 150-160 dependin on deductions!
  12. Re: fletched up with yellow wrap Are those for your girlfriend???? LOL im joking! Very nice! Have you seen mine?
  13. Re: Pair of Hoyt Protecs Tony that guy backed out on me! So Now im in the market for a Indoor Bow!
  14. Re: Boy\'s Night Out Nice pics! The one on the back right looks like a dandy!
  15. RyanH

    Ping 7 Wood

    Guys I have a Ping 7 wood for sale! Ill take $75 for it!
  16. Well guys What rest would you put on a Mathews LX? Trophy Taker shaky hunter? Or the Trophy taker SPring steel 1 or 2? I know the Drop away is what most shoot. I just want more opinions!
  17. Re: Some of my new stuff [ QUOTE ] All I can say is WOW!!! [/ QUOTE ] LOL thanks man!
  18. Re: Back Tension WOW tony thanks for all this info! I get really good prices on truball, carter and scott! Like 50% off! So looks like ill need to buy some!
  19. RyanH

    New York Trip

    Re: New York Trip But sadly the twins towers are missing in the recent picture!
  20. RyanH

    New York Trip

    Re: New York Trip [ QUOTE ] Looks as though I was standing in almost the exact same spot as your son nearly 7 years ago. And I agree with you Harv, I love visiting NYC. Lots to see and if you cant find something to do there, then there's something wrong with you. lol [/ QUOTE ] Holly crap you are! LOL Very nice pics!
  21. RyanH

    NYPD Charger

    Re: NYPD Charger Sweet, we have about 6 of those around Norman oklahoma!
  22. RyanH

    XT - 30 yard pic

    Re: XT - 30 yard pic Good shooting!
  23. RyanH


    Re: Gangs Every place has gangs! No matter where you live!
  24. RyanH

    help wanted

    Re: help wanted What are the hours like? Rotations? or what?
  25. RyanH

    help wanted

    Re: help wanted let me think about it! I would love to leave oklahoma. I used to be a salesman in the oilfield! I know what its all about!