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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. Don't feel bad guys. I'm sure there was some exciting curling on the TV for you Canucks to watch last night! :poke::boo:
  2. I agree it was a great first episode. Keith usually pushes someones buttons every season. Next week should be a good one.
  3. I've found an easier way of lighting up my arrows!
  4. Wow! You guys really made my evening. Congratulations!
  5. Did I miss something? They have been advertising it all day?
  6. Knee mail from New York is on the way!
  7. the season premier of Deadliest Catch tonight? :yes: I know I'm stoked for a new season.
  8. Happy be-lated birthday!! :happybday:
  9. A big birthday toast to my friend Kathleen! :wine:
  10. I have been using an Ameristep Doghouse TSC for 3 years now and I have absolutely no complaints. I got it on sale back then at BPS for $70. This past deer season I had a boat load of deer within 20-30 yards. There is room for me and the kids. The view from my blind. My bow is hanging from a hook they provide. Just brush it in and wait for the deer. Don't let the pic fool you, it is dark in there. The camera flash lit up the inside.
  11. Happy Birthday Todd! :beer:
  12. I've seen this. I agree its a pain when you mis-type a search subject.
  13. With a GM 20 min. away and a BPS 1 hour away I rarely buy on-line anymore. I try to support my local store ( Herb Phillipsons) as much as possible. My biggest consumption from big box stores is camo clothing. They always have a bigger selection.
  14. Look at it this way. Each morning Nancy's husband has to give this a kiss.
  15. Good catch Dan! I looked all over and couldn't find it.
  16. First let ask, where did you buy your bow? If you got if from a sporting goods store they probably will give you free set-up and range time. That will get you stared. When I got started in archery I got involved in an indoor league. It allowed me to shoot plenty of arrows, help develop my form, and ask advise from others.
  17. Good question. I looked over our NYS DEC web site and I could not anything about a minimum draw weight.
  18. RangerClay

    Hey All

    Hi Mike! Welcome back.
  19. We won't see the pine pollen till early June and I can wait. The stuff really sets off my allergies.
  20. RangerClay

    How was it?

    Well when you put a direct link on the Camospace home page to our forum you are going to see a lot of new people joining. Scott just cleaned house so all of these new people can join. I'm not against new blood but I believe you will see more newb's just lurk and leave. Hopefully they will participate.
  21. RangerClay


    I've heard of the phrase but never knew what it was until today. Looks like fun.
  22. Great find Ben! Hopefully you can find someone to refinish it. It is worth its weigh in cash if you ever wanted to sell it.
  23. RangerClay

    How was it?

    I believe the key word here is family. And when when a family member leaves the forums, it leaves a hole. There are slow days when I'm sitting here at the computer wishing I could read one of JB's bigfoot reports, Andrea defending the edibility of suckers, AJ's amazing knowledge of firearms, SRA well....being SRA, and a few others that I could rattle off. And what makes it worse, is that sometimes these people take their friends with them to another forum. Seems like there more drama and a lot less laughing lately. It's probably just cabin fever. If I had my way, Chris and Tom would have their own room to jab at each other. :chair::hammer1::hammer2: