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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. Not me. I don't care for cheeseburgers. I'm a hamburger guy.
  2. Welcome to Realtree. Shooting at running deer with a bow that were driven to me is not my cup of tea. To much room for error.
  3. Did you get banned from there?
  4. I have a vacation coming up in mid April. Maybe I will come up for half a day. Last time I said I was coming you bailed on me.
  5. I used to shoot in a trap league for several years. I always shot in a winter league for it gave me something to do. My shotgun was a Winchester 1897 Black Diamond Trap Gun. :cool2: I used to get some straaaange looks when I came to the line but I shot well.
  6. When I Googled it, one hit that popped up was, "The national food of Canada".
  7. Next time I come up we will go out for lunch. I need to try that. Never heard of it until today.
  8. I had to go look that one up.
  9. RangerClay

    Pink eye

    Being a teacher I get it at least once a year. Its not that bad. I'm not sure what drops they are giving you but the drops get here in the states clear things up in a few (6-10) hours.
  10. Congratulations!! :clap:
  11. I am too. We will be going to camp in Gouverneur on April 10th. I will be bringing the chainsaw to clean ATV trails. I will also be concidering a move for my treestand. Plus we will be thinning out the porcupines as well.
  12. Hope this is a joke because I don't see the humor in this. Talk of poaching is not allowed here.
  13. This is what we use in our hunting camp. Heat water over a woodstove and pour into a 2 gallon pail. I highly recommend it! http://www.amazon.com/Coleman-827b500t-Battery-Powered-Shower/dp/B0009PUT0C
  14. Hope you have a great day Tom! :happybday:
  15. I got this in an email. A great tribute to all soldiers. CRANK UP the volume!!! http://www.thewarriorsong.com/video.html
  16. Good luck with it! :cool2:
  17. RangerClay

    Yes Chris!

    He is that stupid! http://buzz.yahoo.com/buzzlog/93499?fp=1
  18. I never get tired of that picture! :yes: