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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. Good luck Kenny and stay safe. :gun1:
  2. You are thinking of the XLR Shaun. Great rifle! Here is an XL7 Good with the new rifle!
  3. I agree with Don on this. I have only refinished two guns in my life. One was chewed on by a horse. The other was a split stock after a fall.
  4. LOL! I told you that you and Anthony should have come up!
  5. Congratulations Christina!!!! :camera:
  6. About a week ago one of my hunting buddies who is the asst. chief of the fire department emails me. "Joe, the fire house is having an ice derby Sunday, wanna come?" I quickly said sure thing and I would be bringing the kids. Sunday arrives and as usual I have to drag my son Nathan out of bed (literally). Abi is dressed and ready to go. We loaded up the truck and headed to Pleasant Lake near Gouverneur. On the way we saw a bald eagle sitting in a tree and I told the kids that he was a sign of good luck. Little did I know. We drove down to the lake and paid our entry fee. I found out that a bunch of our friends had decided not to come. I was bummed because I did not know the lake and had no clue where to fish. I asked my friend if he knew where Randy's camp was and he said somewhere over there and away we went to the other side of the lake. We quickly set up and started to fish. My cousin Tom shows up a few minutes later with his truck It's hard to see but there are 8 tip-ups out there. It wasn't long and we had our first flag. We ran across the ice and the spool was screaming out line. Now I told Nathan and his sister before this that Nathan would be up first because he has never caught a northern pike. He has tried two or three times before today without any success. I reached down and grabbed the line. When I felt some pressure I gave it a yank, setting the hook. I handed the line to Nathan and told him to pull in the fish. So hand over hand he begins to pull in about 40 yards of line. It wasn't long and up though the 8" hole comes a pikes head. "Pull him on the ice buddy!" and he dragged him out. High fives were flying everywhere. :camera: Here is Nathans pike. Can you tell that from his expression he is a little afraid of it. Once he saw all the teeth he was scared of getting bit. This is also his biggest fish ever. We set the fish aside then another flag, then another, then another. The pike usually bite better when its snowing. So after 5 hours of fishing. 6 pike, 2 bass, 2 bags of chips and a 1 box of Little Debbie cookies, the kids decided that they have had enough. We packed up and and went to weigh in. We only brought back Nathans pike because there was a 21" min. length to enter. After the snow had settled Nates first pike was 25" and 3.4 pounds. It was then that my fire dept. buddy leans over and says, "You do realize that he is in first place". We all laughed, "No waaaay!" It was true but we would have to wait another 3 hours till the derby was over. The kids were exausted so I told Joe that we had to leave. He told me that he would call if Nate won and at 4pm sharp the phone rang. Nathan was the winner. He beat out all of the kids that entered AND all of the adults who entered. His prize is a nice crisp $100 dollar bill.:clap: Not to shabby for his first pike.
  7. Wow! :jaw: That is awesome!!!!!!
  8. Biblical eh???? "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine." Song of Solomon 1:2
  9. They are calling for a foot on Thursday for us. :jaw:
  10. Wooooo Hoooooo!!!! Congratulations!!!
  11. I have two. Here is one of them, http://www.realtree.com/forums/showthread.php?t=67941
  12. I have never hunted out of state. The farthest I've driven was to the New York Realtree Smackdown a few years back.
  13. RangerClay


    Neither. Biscuits with butter or my Mom's homemade chicken & biscuits. No one up here really eats biscuits for breakfast. You never see on a menu. It's a southern thing.
  14. To the certain Realtree individual who sent me a text before the big game, here's your sign.
  15. RangerClay

    Hi Everybody

    Hi Blade!! How is that new bow working out for you? Do you have her all dialed in?
  16. Good luck Randy and hope you feel better. I'm going to try and make it to your NY show in March.