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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. There is a hole in my furnace in the cellar. :no::nono:
  2. I truely believe that about 10 seonds after the video shut off he either dropped dead or passed out. Did you see the look on his face....he looked shell shocked. Too funny!
  3. Hey now! I'm on vacation here and I'm trying to get away from the computer. :sleep1: That is some great stuff there, looks like a great time. I'm going to a firemans ice derby this weekend with the kids you are welcome if either of you want to come along.
  4. Met my wife on July 29th, 1991 3 years later we were engaged Married her on July 29th, 1995 Celebrating 15 years this summer!
  5. Glad to see you are enjoying the snow for a change!
  6. Wow! That is so cool. If it were me I would be be getting a USA Fox catalog and would make something cool for the Mrs. with those hides.
  7. I did the same. I cannot wait to see it.
  8. RangerClay


    I love it when the rest of the world see's the PETA freaks for what they really are. I wonder how many of these rich dog owners are going to drop their PETA memberships over this? http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100217/ap_on_sp_ot/dog_show
  9. That is cool! Thanks for sharing!
  10. You guys enjoy! Its been kinda nice not having to snowblow every other day for a change.
  11. RangerClay

    Cans anyone?

    Wish I was invited to that party!
  12. This is another reason why our economy will never recover. :jaw: http://www.thinkbigworksmall.com/mypage/player/tbws/23119/-4524
  13. ABSOLUTELY! Happy Birthday!!! :gunsmilie:
  14. Good for you! I believe that is the same crossbow that Muff shoots. It's a dandy!
  15. Want a smooth draw cycle? Try a Mission Voyager when you stop by your Mathews dealer.
  16. My wife and I will be exchanging gifts in a little while. She has a bad cold so we didn't do our usual V-Day stuff. Normally we dine on some of Lewis' hard work. We are going to try again on Ash Wed. since we cannot eat red meat.
  17. RangerClay


    Yeah, but did Bigfoot have a cub in your dream?
  18. Not sure Ross. The email to me said it was taken in New York. I doubt that. You will probably get it in an email next week saying it was taken in South Carolina. You know how these emails work.
  19. I have been trapping on and off for the past 30+ years. I mostly trap coon now. But back in my younger days nobody could trap muskrats like I did.
  20. Congrats! Sounds like an expensive day!