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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Re: Im already getting the Jitters! Usually I start organizing in August.This year I'm having a baby in the middle of October,not really me but my wife.It looks like I'll be hunting opening weekend,and that might be it till November.The wife will be on maternity leave the whole month,so it looks like November will be my best chance to spend some time on stand,which is fine with me.
  2. Re: Official 2006 NHL Playoff/Stanley Cup thread I can't believe the Ducks got 4 in the third last night. I think the reason the Oilers are better than the Ducks are for one,Roloson has been excellent in the net.With the exception of last nights third period.Pronger has really covered Selanne well and if he's not scoring points the Duckys are going to have a hard time winning.
  3. Re: Official 2006 NHL Playoff/Stanley Cup thread I fell asleep after the second.These long work hours are killing me.I pretty much thought it was over after Prongers goal.It was good to see a couple of scraps.
  4. Re: Any dirt trackers out there? I don't think UMP runs in Wisconsin. I help a few buddies out with their cars from time to time.A few guys have sportsman cars,one has a mod,and another has a late model.I program and run cnc machines at work,so when they need something made I take care of them. Are you going to The Dream?Eldora is an awesome place to watch racing.The crowds are unreal.I've been to the World 100 for about the past 5 years.We built a few of their race haulers so unfortunately I have to do a little work when I'm there,but it's a blast.

    Dixie Chicks

    Re: Dixie Chicks I won't even listen to them on the radio anymore.No way I'm going to buy their c.d.
  6. Re: Official 2006 NHL Playoff/Stanley Cup thread Tha Canes looked pretty good.They blocked a lot of shots.This one might go 7 games.
  7. Re: Big Day Tomorrow! Congrats Shaun!Sounds like a pretty sweet deal.
  8. Re: What\'s in your CD player?? I listened to Jason Aldean-Hicktown this morning on the way to work. On deck I have AC/DC and The Chili Peppers.The wife has the rest of the C.D.'s in her car.
  9. Re: I\'m Back........................................ Congrats Hutch!I wish you two the best!

    Realtree Roadtrips

    Re: Realtree Roadtrips [ QUOTE ] Sounds great Michael. Hope you can find the time to continue to drop in here occasionally too. [/ QUOTE ] No doubt!It's nice to see the Realtree Pros on here! Maybee if you go to 52 weeks you will need to add to the pro-staff to give you guys a little break.
  11. Re: GrandPa Passed in his sleep! Sorry for your loss Ryan.Prayers are going out for your whole family.
  12. Re: FIRST NIGHT RACING, AND DIDNT GET LAST! Sweet!Keep at it.Racing is a lot of work,but it sure is fun!
  13. Re: Official 2006 NHL Playoff/Stanley Cup thread I saw the first two periods,but went to bed so I could get up at 5 to make it to work today.It looks like it will be a pretty good series.
  14. Re: Another \"Cheater\" [ QUOTE ] Wonder what his track record is for cheating [/ QUOTE ] Maybee that's why Yates hasn't had a dominant year in a while. Cheating is cheating and as long as the fine fits the punishment I'm fine with it.People are always trying to find ways to get their cars to the front and get around rules no matter what series it is.Almost every team does it and Yates should have kept his mouth he looks pretty hypocritical.
  15. Re: Carolina Archery Products ...sold These people seem to be buying everything up.Don't they now own Fred Bear Archery?I've heard bad things about their customer service.Hopefully they continue to make quality products like the Biscuit.
  16. Re: Interleague play??? I enjoy seeing other teams play my Cardinals that I would probably not a chance to see.
  17. Re: Anyone seen these It says it's legal to use on hogs at night in Texas.In the wrong hands I could see it being a problem,but if it's legal to use on your quarry it looks like it would work pretty good.
  18. Re: who hasnt killed a turkey yet? I've tried for three years without success.Two years ago I called one in for my cousin,but he missed. There just aren't many birds in my hunting spots and they spook very easily.I had one roosted this year,but he was scared off by a couple of tresspassers that were mushroom hunting.
  19. Re: In the words of Nuge \"Thanks all my bloodbrothers\" Hey Michael,glad to have you on the forums! Roadtrips all year sounds like a great idea!It seems like in the summer the only hunting shows that are on are re-peats.It would be nice to see a few fresh episodes in the off season.
  20. Re: Happy birthday Palssonater Have a good one!
  21. Re: Official 2006 NHL Playoff/Stanley Cup thread Congrats to the Oilers!That was a hard fought game. I would love to see the Oil win the cup.In my book they were the underdog from the start.They barely squeked in to the playoffs and nobody thought they would beat Detroit.
  22. Re: Anyone seen these I use to use an adapter that would mount a mini mag light in my stabilizer hole.It worked pretty good for finding my stands at dark 30,but it always would rattle loose.
  23. Re: Recommendations for deer hide tanning I had W.B. Place do a hair on hide a couple of years ago and it looks great.They have decent prices and seem to have a pretty fast turn around.I wouldn't hesitate to do business with them again.
  24. Re: Official 2006 NHL Playoff/Stanley Cup thread Yep,the Oil looked pretty good last night.We'll see if the Sharks can hang in there or if they have a meltdown.It would be good to see an 8th seed make it to the finals.
  25. Re: Crimson Talon broadheads? I've been using them for two years now.Lou is right,they are a pain to remove from a target,but they fly just like my field points.Every deer I've shot with them has been a pass through,and none of them made it very far.They leave a great blood trail and hold up pretty good.I've only ruined one so far.