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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Re: Phoenix Race Results Steppy Wins ! You better look out VA,I'm moving backwards in a hurry.I might catch you this week.
  2. Re: 6 more days............ Man that should be a blast!I've been to a bunch of truck and busch races,but haven't been to a cup race yet.Have fun!


    Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy birthday!Hope everyone has a good one!
  4. Re: Something for you to think about!!!!!!!! Yep,I read about that a year or so ago.Phillips and Citgo are the only places I buy gas from now.
  5. Re: Phoenix Race Results Steppy Wins ! Steppy wins again!Congrats!Man I can't believe how crummy my Gibbs boys have done this year.Looks like I'm pretty well out of it after the last few weeks.
  6. Re: Gameday 4--Forum Baseball Contest Vinny Castilla-Washington Nationals
  7. Re: My wife helped me... Yikes!I think my wife would probably do the same thing. Looks like she gave a little a too much go pedal.

    new member

    Re: new member Welcome to the forums!This sure is a great spend a little time.
  9. Re: morel mushrooms Wow!26 pounds is a pretty good crop of shrooms!I looked last weekend and came up empty.It has been pretty dry at the places I go.After all the rain last night I'm going out tomorrow and give it a try.A guy at work found a bag full yesterday,so hopefully I'll get into them.
  10. Re: Anybody at work you just cant stand?? Yep,got a few of em' here.I pretty much get along with everybody,but whiners and no-it-alls get on my nerves.Seems like you can tell who these people are within a few minutes of meeting them.I got no time for the holier than thow attitude.
  11. Re: Tim Andrus Sounds like a heck of a guy!You definately got some neat stuff.
  12. Re: Venison supplies Mine is about half gone.I try and save some sausage and hot sticks for deer season,but usually run out of steaks and burger in october.That's when I try to replenish.
  13. Re: chicks_hunt_to AND huntingmama Happy birthday girls!
  14. Re: Just A Little Vent-- It sure is tough on the kids.I went to quite a few schools growing up,and no two schools were on the same pace with each other,which made it hard to adapt too.I don't even think they used any of the same textbooks.
  15. Re: Gameday 3--Forum Baseball Contest. Chipper Jones-Atlanta Braves
  16. Re: Went to a car show over the weekend (pics) Congrats on the trophy!The flames are your boyfriends truck look awesome!I would tear the heck outta something that low.I gotta have a lift and big meats!
  17. Re: Steel VS Lead. I use lead wherever it is legal and only use steel where i have to.AJ hit the nail on the head,as usual.The added energy of lead seems to kill a little better than steel.I think a 3" #2 might be a little much for bunnies,might try a #4.
  18. Re: extreme shrink fletch I just got some a few weeks ago.I've only shot them a handfull of times,but they seem to be holding up to my whisker biscuit just fine so far.Mine are white tube with orange and white fletchings,so they're like a cresting and fletching all in one.They shrink on super tight and there is no way they are coming off without a razor blade.Don't need no glue or jigs,just a cup of hot water.I'll be shooting them a little more over the next few weeks so we'll see what happens after a few hundred shots through the biscuit.
  19. Re: lets put an age to that name!!!! Just turned 29 a few weeks ago.
  20. Re: Passing of my grandmother... You got it Harv.Sorry to hear about your grandmother.
  21. Re: Texas Race results. Steppy wins ! Congrats Steppy!My Gibbs boys had another terrible week.
  22. Re: That darn Jimmy Johnson Their team definately has it together.The guy can drive a racecar and he's always there at the finish.
  23. Re: Needing a prayer You got it BBH.I know three people that have had stints put in and all of them made a full recovery with no complications.I'm sure your mom will do the same.
  24. Re: SMALL TOWN PEOPLE That's great!Really brings me back to the good ole' high school days.
  25. Re: when is the opener for everybody? Can't wait for October 1!It still seems so far away. Espacially since I didn't get drawn for a turkey permit this year.