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Everything posted by MUDRUNNER

  1. Re: Jacked or Slammed? Definately jacked!

    My Family

    Re: My Family Good looking family.It sure is hard to stay away from this place.
  3. Re: Late night snacks Ice cream sandwiches or hot sticks,dependant on what sounds good at the time.
  4. Re: More Misc. Minnesota Pics Awesome pics.A lot of people think i'm nuts,but i sure do miss Minnesota winters.
  5. Re: Deer Camp There's nothing like deer camp.I've been going to one my whole life and i don't think it has changed a bit.It's a single wide trailer with a enclosed lean to built on the side for playing cards at night.No running water and we have a generator for electricity and LP for a small furnace and the stove.It will sleep 8 people,but it's only full for shotgun season.I go up and stay a few times during the summer and ride the 4 wheeler and cut wood.Nothing like waking up on a spring day to the sound of a turkey gobbling!
  6. Re: RTF Racing wild card. MUDRUNNER is going with #24,even though i don't like the guy,i think he'll have a good run.
  7. Re: I\'m gonna be in a magazine! Wow that's great!Sounds like some awesome prizes.
  8. Re: What do you think of the deer herd? Our herds seem to be pretty spotty in the areas i hunt.One spot i hunt is full of deer and has light hunting pressure.I would say the buck to doe ratio is just about right,and there is plenty of food available.Another spot this was our worst year in the past 10 years,mostly because hunting pressure during gun season is very high.
  9. Re: GOOD MORNING AGAIN!! Had a good Easter.I ate way to much.It's pretty nice out here too.It's the first time we've seen the sun in over a week!I woke up this morning to a darn cold though.It's supposed to be 75 on wednsday.
  10. Re: your bowhunting setup Here's mine: Bowtech Liberty 29" at 70lbs. Bohning 4 arrow quiver Whisker biscuit drop tine Toxonics top gun s-50 3 pin sight Easton quattro aluminum arrows 100 grain crimson talons
  11. Re: Got my Tree Lounge! I've seen them before,they sure do look comfy.Congrats!
  12. Re: crimson talon broadheads I agree with kracey.I believe they had some problems with the blades at first,but are now using thicker blades and i haven't heard of any problems with the newer version.They'll work fine for you.They fly great and leave an awesome hole.Just don't shoot them into a 3-d target cause they are pain to remove.Broadhead choice is mostly personal preferance.Any sharp head will kill a deer with good shot placement.What works for on person might not suit the next.Let us know how they work for you.

    peep sights

    Re: peep sights I use one too.My toxonics sight has a round pin guard and it makes it nice.I just line the guard up inside the circle of the peep.
  14. Re: Truck is in...(pix) That's a good lookin' pickup!Looks like one sweet ride.
  15. Re: Whisker Biscut [ QUOTE ] How many people actually have their bow at an angle where the arrow would fall off for 3 or 4 hours? [/ QUOTE ] When i still hunt i sneak for about 30 yards a stop for a few minutes.I have had quite a few times when i was sneaking and a limb or some brush nocked my arrow off the rest and it clanked around.
  16. Re: Whisker Biscut I use one and think it is great.No accuracy problems at all.I use to use my finger to hold the arrow on,but if your still hunting through cover your finger will get a little sore after 3 or 4 hours.My old biscuit would wrinkle my fletchings,but nothing a hair dryer can't straighten out.My new one has softer bristles and i haven't seen any wear so far.
  17. Re: Detachable Quivers... I have a detatchable 4 arrow bohning quiver.I leave it on my bow unless i'm hunting out of a stand.Then i remove it when i get settled in and hang it on a hook or on another mounting bracket on the stand where i can get to it easily if i need to.
  18. Re: Happy B-day joey Happy b-day Joey!
  19. Re: Another Old timer gets older Happy birthday!Hope it's a good one.
  20. Re: Hunting on Game Farms I've never really hunted on a game farm,but here in south central Illinois pheasants don't multiply,so we hunt pen raised birds on state preserves.The birds are so fat they can't hardly fly.These birds aren't placed or thrown,but they are released at each area at like 4 A.M. so you do have to search and hunt for them.I go to South Dakota every year so our state ground is not near the fun as it used to be.
  21. Re: Kids and video games...can\'t stand it Times sure have changed since i was a kid.I have a little step brother that is 12 and his mom and grandma bought him every single game there is out there.It's all he wants to do.When i get him i take him to the park or play catch with him and he always has a good time,but as soon as i go to drop him off he's right back in the game room.I don't get it.When i was a kid we would be out riding our bikes or playing football or baseball and i was never home before dark.Of course we only had 5 t.v. stations too.

    most annoying...

    Re: most annoying... Hornets and misquitos.Every summer we find a couple of hornets nests in the woods.A few years ago i was cutting fire wood and got hammered about a dozen times.Now i'm always looking in the trees for the darn things.
  23. Re: Why Do you Come To RealTree Forums? Cause it's cool!There's a lot of good people and we all generally share the same interests in the outdoors.The topics are great too.
  24. Re: Congrats Chrud ! Congrats Chrud!Man i just keep getting farther behind.I can't believe how much Bobby Labonte has killed my points so far this year.Bristol will be my race though.I can feel it.
  25. Re: I just bought a new toy! Sweet!Nice ride!Sounds like you got a pretty good deal to me.