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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: More Leaf River \"Honey Hole\" pics....... wow! great lookin spot with great lookin deer!
  2. Re: New Rifle project One of the guys that we hunt with, dad's best friend, owns a custum made gun. it is a Tikka .300 Win Mag, with all the modifications like yours. beautiful gun!
  3. Re: My first rabbit! Great job buddy!!!! i was pumped when i shot my first rabbit too! and like yours, it was by accident lol. i was grouse hunting and one bounced out in front of me. raised up the Remington 1100 20ga, BOOM!! amen it was a blast, hope ya get some more!!
  4. Re: How many deer last season i had very limitied time to hunt, because of college. i managed to knock off a really big 6 pointer, 20" spread, dressed out at 201lbs. shot it with a Remington 700 .300 Winchester Mag.
  5. Re: *Shakes head in disbelief* wow, smart guy eh?
  6. Re: a few of my badgers! awesome pics sureshot!!
  7. Re: You know your from PA if........... [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] LOL! that could be taken as "ya know your from Canada if......" lol [/ QUOTE ] Except for the last line! Only PA can claim that we have a city named that!!! [/ QUOTE ] LMBO!! ya learn somethin new everyday eh!
  8. Re: Bill and Buckee LOL good one, Scott!
  9. Re: Wife Gone On Bidness gee the kids will love ya! mcdonald's every night WOO HOO!!! beans eh.... hope the wind isnt blowing north!
  10. Re: Headin back to college today hey all! i made er back alright, train was 30 minutes late though yup! the lad said he'd be calling the start of this week, so hopefully it all works out and i get the job i'll let ya's know!
  11. Shaun_300


    Re: CHRUD LMBO!! once again, good one Steve! SQ2 is right... never a dull moment in here!
  12. Re: 2 Girls Sued Over Cookies wow you would think that the neighbour would appreciate this sort of act of kindness. a lot of people stereotype teens the wrong way, and this would have proved that wrong. some people dont have their heads screwed on right... they left a few bolts at the hardware store -well at least they raised enough money to cover it!
  13. Re: Spring time Boaters! Post your Ride i dotn have a pic of my boat, it is a 14' Misty River, with a 15hp Yamaha on it.
  14. Re: I got accepted to.... thats awesome man!!! you'll have a great time! congrats!!
  15. Re: Wild Pig hey xjhunter! no worrries on the farenheit, we use the metric system too the USA is still on the imperial system. the temperatures there are about the same as Canada! except in the winter it can dip down to -40*C... thats chilly! lol. here are a couple pics of it looks like here in my part of Canada Here's a summer sunset Here's my fish shack... and the back end of my skidoo Here is me doing a catwalk on the skidoo Thats what good ol Canada looks like
  16. well this marks the end of my reading week, the train leaves Ottawa at 6:11pm this evening to go back to Belleville. ah well, gotta get er dun i guess eh! sooner i get back the sooner i am outa there. i love college, but i like home better i guess i should be looking forward to going back because that guy from the GM dealership will be calling me about that job! it sure has been a great break from all the work caught lots of fish and put about 400kms on the sled
  17. Re: Maybe a spike? 50 to spike 100 to 4 pointer 250 to 6 pointer 500 to 8 pointer 750 to 10 pointer 1500 to 12 pointer 2000 to Monster Buck... we call this moron status
  18. Re: Active scrape and new rub pics..... LOL @ Buckee great looking scrapes todd, that rub is a dandy too!
  19. Shaun_300

    pike lures?

    Re: pike lures? right now, we are using 10 or 11" sucker minnows... through the ice... boy do you ever have to let them run before you set the hook LOL, i had one bite and i gave him about a 30 yard dash before i gave him the gears
  20. Shaun_300


    Re: OJR?? LMBO! boy he's gonna love that one
  21. Re: Good Friends 173\", Check the 10\" Kicker wow! neat looking buck, that sure is a good kicker!
  22. Re: a few more pics.... wow thats better! awesome lookin buck todd, hope ya get him next year!!
  23. Re: New Rifle project wow, those sound like some pretty nice guns boys! i would love to get a custom rifle made for me sometime!
  24. Re: Haven\'t Done This In A Bit.... Bill Jordan Michael Waddell Tom Brady
  25. Re: FINALLY found one sweet deal man!