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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: New Gun thats great jg! have fun with the new toy!
  2. Re: Recent pics..... great looking bucks, thanks for sharing the pics!
  3. Re: a few more pics.... cool pics... i like the second one... the one thats pawing the other one "hey! smile for the camera!!" -also, i just noticed in that second pic, the deer that is closest to the camera, i wonder if that is a buck that had shed, it looks like there is a mark on its head right where the horn would be.
  4. Re: What critters do you see??? grouse... ya can see them in the stand, but OH NO! not when ur grouse hunting!! squirrels lots of birds minks martins beavers fishers porcupines
  5. Re: I GOT A NICE 6 PT i am a little late too, but congrats bud!! i killed a big six point in November, heres what it looked like... dressed out at 201 pounds, 20 inch spread. killed it with a .300 win mag @ 20 yards
  6. Re: Wifes been excepted Congrats to Mrs. horst!!
  7. Re: Baby Buckee Goes Legit! LOL good one Chris!!
  8. Re: Current Desktop Screenshots awesome background HarvDog!!!!
  9. Re: Current Desktop Screenshots thats cool Gary! i have a pic of me doin a catwalk on my skidoo!
  10. Re: I Need Help!!!! i totally agree with the other lads, take it slow and dont break up with her and go ask the other one out on the same day!!
  11. Re: what sports do yall play [ QUOTE ] C'mon....doesn't anybody do downhill skiing?? [/ QUOTE ] i sure do!!
  12. Re: You know your from PA if........... LOL! that could be taken as "ya know your from Canada if......" lol
  13. Re: A Brand New Day!! good news Martin! man that would be annoying eh
  14. Re: Dukes Marathon awesome! dad's in control of the remote right now
  15. Re: What would you tell your boss?????? LOL thats hilarious
  16. Re: dogdoc and ryanh uh oh! i dont think dogdoc is too impressed
  17. Re: See you in 10 days have a good time fisherguy! i know i sure had fun on my break!!! still am. i am headin back on sunday to college. good luck fishin man, get some big ones!!
  18. Re: Hello Newbe here welcome to the forums man! and WOW THAT IS A HUGE ELK!!!!!!! what a beauty! congratulations!
  19. Re: Do you believe in ghosts? ...i should go get my mom and get her to check it out, have the speakers up really loud when she comes in, she would kill me LOL
  20. Re: A Redneck On Vaction.... [ QUOTE ] for some reason I'm thinking a "baby buckee goes camping" type of deal will show up soon. [/ QUOTE ] LOL i was thinking the same!
  21. Re: Do you believe in ghosts? LOL that scared the livin heck outa me!! i believe now!!
  22. Re: A Redneck On Vaction.... LOL thats a good one!
  23. Re: WOW! that went well!! thanks guys, he said he was going to call my co-op employer i had for 2 semesters in high school... that should be the icing on the cake my co-op employer didnt want to get rid of me! so hopefully this works out.
  24. Re: Almost bought a .22 today, which one would you? is the savage the semi-auto one?? if it is, i have that one, and unless i shoot the .22 stingers, i cant fire a whole clip without it jamming or failing to feed one into the chamber! i am thinking the spring in the action must be too stiff or something... its a great gun.... when i shoot the stingers out of it.
  25. Shaun_300

    ky deer

    Re: ky deer i saw the pics of that monster! man, what a nice buck!