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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. well, i just got back from my resume run! i went up to Renfrew, its a small town thats 20 minutes west of here. first i went to the Chrysler Dealership, talked to the service manager, and he seemed interested, and he asked me if i went up to Mackenzie's, the GM dealership. i told him that was my next stop. so i went there and right away, the service manager pulled me into his office for an interview! so we talked for a HALF AN HOUR, and boy, did he ever like me i completely sold myself, (thank god for those interpersonal skills course that i hate! ) he said that he'd pay my tuition! at the end, he said that he had many other resume's but he really liked me the best! and he said he'd be calling me at the start of this week!! man, i am SO pumped lol, i have never had anyone jump the gun like that so quickly, i just went in to drop the resume off, and bang! interview lol. my parents were really surprised when i told them the story, they are really happy for me!!... i know i dont have the job yet, but it sure is looking good!!
  2. Re: Goodbye brothers (and sisters too) temp.... you could, just make sure that there isnt a security key code that you have to punch in, and some programs are not burnable. what ones do you want to re-install?
  3. Re: Resume Handout Day LOL yup! plan on getting a truck and a new snowmobile
  4. Re: Resume Handout Day thanks guys! yep! i'll be looking forward to the wages next year! technicians start out at $60,000-$90,000 a year!
  5. Re: Wild Pig welcome to the forums xj! i think the only other member from overseas is Richyrich, he's from Scotland! from those pics, the country there looks VERY much like Ontario (Canada)! especially the one of your jeep! that looks identical to a field about 20 minutes from here, same mountains and everything!
  6. well today is the day that i revised my resume, and start handing them out before the big rush of people getting out of college in april, wanting to get hired, i am a step ahead of them, handing them out now for those of you that don't know i am in college, going through to be an Automotive Technician, known as a "Class-A" in Canada, and "ASE" in the states (...i think) so i am going around to all the dealerships and parts stores here in town and in Renfrew, another town 20 minutes west of here. so hopefully i'll get some calls for some interviews! ....just waiting for mom to get home now lol. need some wheels!
  7. Re: new to the hunt welcome to the best place on the net, leon!
  8. Re: Advice on Dig camera please dad has a Kodak Easyshare 5.0, it works great!!
  9. Re: CHECK OUT THIS 200+ INCH PUBLIC LAND BUCK!!! WOW! AWESOME BUCK!!! sure would like to have that one hangin on the wall
  10. Re: first leaf river pic hmm thats weird... i can still see it todd...
  11. Re: A couple more neat Stealth pics awesome pics!! nice rub too!
  12. Re: true licking branch tiimmmmbbbeeeeerrrrr!!!!! he sure is havin a good knaw on it eh! definetly save that for the photo contest!!
  13. Re: first leaf river pic cool pic lewis! well at least ya know its workin, ready for the big bucks
  14. Re: More Leaf River pics cool pics, guys!!
  15. Re: A suprise on the Stealth Cam awesome lookin buck, he definetly still looks young!! he sure will be HUGE by next year!
  16. Re: Baby Buckee Spotted In Illinoissssss LOL too_ deserves a bit of a cut for this one!
  17. Re: Baby Buckee had some help!! yep! a month or two ago i think!
  18. Re: 45-70 Gov. Bullets thats a cool link David! thanks for sharing!
  19. Re: Weatherby rifles LOL thats what i thought!! the wsm shells are a little pricy, $36 CDN/20, sure beats the weatherby prices though
  20. Re: Canadian Indoor 3D championship photos awesome pics Cam!! thats one thing that i would love to get into, just have to get myself a bow though
  21. Re: Baby Buckee had some help!! lol you guys keep forgettin that buckee shaved his moustache off!!
  22. Shaun_300

    Cigarette tax

    Re: Cigarette tax a lot of people quit up here when they raised the prices! there are different brands and qualities of cigs you can get up here, the top brands like Player's and Du Maurier etc, are close to $70 a carton, i think! they are like $8.50-$9.25 a pack! and then there are cheaper ones that are around $7.50 a pack, then there are the native smokes you can get on the indian reserves, i think they are around $30-$35/carton. sure is a lot more than down in the states
  23. Re: Baby Buckee had some help!! LOL i think Ryan's right! this will never end... poor buckee it sure is funny though!
  24. Re: what kind of weapons do you guys use? i just noticed in my weapons list up above, i forgot my brother's Browning BLR .270 Win lol
  25. Re: what kind of weapons do you guys use? i have shot 2 with the Remington 700 .300 Win Mag, i dont use anything else for deer hunting, well i'll use my new rifle, the Browning BLR .300 WSM.