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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Shaun_300

    Happy Birthday

    Re: Happy Birthday Happy Birthday Vipress! get well soon Nut
  2. Re: Tragic news my thoughts and prayers sent south Ruth. thats horrible news
  3. Re: ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ I hate college! i just got out of class, in the automotive technician program, i was in the shop and replaced a wheel cylinder on my teacher's truck man, that brakeline was TIGHT, i had to heat it with the torches to get er off now i am waiting for my buddy to come pick me up, i have all next week off. so he's going to drop me off at dad's work in Ottawa, i am taking his car, and visiting some friends before he gets off work. then i'll pick him up, and we'll go home. i might be going to an Ottawa 67's game tonight with my buddy, if not, we're going to the lake and i'm goin skidooin!!
  4. Re: going on a predator in texas / need new gun !!! i would go with a .22-250, we have one in a Remington 700, with a heavy barrel, with a 6-18x redfield scope on it, let me tell ya! it drives tacks! extremely accurate gun, popular gun, so you can find ammo anywhere, and the ammo isnt that expensive either. definetly go with the .22-250
  5. Re: Finally Got A Deer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats on the doe!!
  6. Re: found 2, given 5!!!! (pics) awesome sheds!!
  7. Re: 4 day weekend good stuff, i have bragging rights too! i have ALL next week off!!!
  8. Re: testing nice pic Martin! looks like he's starin you down!!
  9. Re: have a good week guys!! [ QUOTE ] What is a reading week? sounds like a vacation to me? whatever it is enjoy the fun! todd [/ QUOTE ] reading week is "spring break" or "march break" for college and university students up here. i have no idea why they call it that... maybe because we are actually supposed to do work ya right!! lol. reading week is dedicated to spending time with my family and friends that are up at home. havent been home in 7 weeks, can't wait to have some fun up there
  10. Re: My local gunshop... thats great! i did the same thing in december when i got my new rifle. my parents came down for my birthday weekend, (i am in college) and i had been wanting a new rifle, as did my brother. there is a really nice sports store here in Belleville called Quinte Sports. i couldnt believe how many guns this guy had when i walked into that store. they were set for the military, compared to Le Baron's in Ottawa and the guys there were very helpful, and pleasent to deal with. both my brother and i ended getting new rifles that day! its nice when you dont mind handing a guy over two grand, for both guns, knowing that you aren't getting ripped off, and him deserving it from all of his help
  11. Re: opinion on a new car go with the dodge!! thats what i plan on getting this spring or summer... well not a new one, 1998-2002
  12. hey all, just wanted to let ya's know that next week is my reading week, so i am going home tomorrow after class at noon. just wanted to wish you guys a great weekend and next week. i plan on doing lots of ice fishing, LOTS of snowmobiling, and taking lots of pics. i'll try to come on the forums sometime during the week when i am actually home, at my parents' place. while i am up at the lake, there's no computer there. have a good one guys and gals!!
  13. Re: thank you forthe kind word and prayers my condolences, you are in my thoughts and prayers. sorry to hear that, bud.
  14. Shaun_300


    Re: Headgear congrats on the new headgear, i am about to get a new set soon as well!!
  15. Shaun_300


    Re: snowmobile my favourite has to be a 2002 MXZ 800. i drive a 1996 Formula SLS 500 though. here's a pic of me catwalkin it
  16. Shaun_300

    Old Posts.....

    Re: Old Posts..... yup, totally agree, i saw a few of those oldies today. they were even before MY time here
  17. Re: Deer rifle! it will kill a deer no problem, but if it touches any sort of twig, the bullet is going to vere off somewhere than the deer. if it is ONLY field hunting you are doing, maybe, but that is still a small bullet. up here i wouldnt go under .27 caliber. but that is because i hunt mostly thick areas, where anything smaller would bounce off anything it touches.
  18. Re: Wild TV Launches New System In Manitoba thats great! i cant wait for it to come to ontario!!
  19. Re: Establishing new brush piles and logs. wow, that sounds like a great time, have fun!
  20. Re: Hittin up the ice of Big Green this weekend have fun! get the big ones!!
  21. Re: wow, a lot of anonymous users online!! LMBO! sign up guys!! its a great spot.
  22. Shaun_300


    Re: jealous?? Happy Birthday Man! hope you have a great day off!!
  23. Re: Got my 04 bowkill mount back awesome mount Martin!!
  24. there's 210 anonymous users online... and 26 registered
  25. Re: Ebay bid...quite funny LOL that is pretty funny Happy Birthday Ron!!!