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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: A Good Morning!! congrats to Ty and his buddy on the sheds! lets see some pics!!
  2. Re: Another strange death wow! that would have been something to see. poor fella didnt know what was comin to him. that would be a horrible way to go.
  3. Re: Not for weak stomach! [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] i shot the deer this past november with a .300 Win Mag, and there wasnt even ANY exit wound!! and i shot it at 20 yards! [/ QUOTE ] At 20 yards with a 300win mag. your bullet fragmented on impact, thats why no exit. I bet you didn't too many big piece of that bullet in the deer when you were butchering it. [/ QUOTE ] nope, sure didnt. it didn't blow him apart either; once i scraped the ruined meat around the bullet hole, the hole in it was about 2 inches in diameter. a lot better than i was expecting
  4. Re: Not for weak stomach! WOW!! i shot the deer this past november with a .300 Win Mag, and there wasnt even ANY exit wound!! and i shot it at 20 yards! i was surprised. it looks like that deer was shot with a 700 Nitro Express i also agree with popgun on this one. sure did a number on him
  5. Re: what gun do you use to deer hunt [ QUOTE ] Lets see how long till this in in the deer hunting forum lol. [/ QUOTE ] i was thinking the same, fisherguy
  6. Re: what gun do you use to deer hunt Browning BLR .300 WSM
  7. Re: Wasting of food by children at dinner time. Adk you are right! a lot of people thing "oh its just a spoonful of corn, potatoes or whatever, i am full, i'll just pitch it" but really when you think about it, which obviously you did, a lot of food gets wasted. my parents always made sure that we only took what we could eat, we can always go back for more. and if there was a bit left over that we couldnt finish, dad usually finished it up for us i totally agree with you!!
  8. Re: Varmint Rifles we shoot .22-250, dad used to reload bullets when he was really into groundhog hunting. he used the 52gr. boat-tail match bullets. those were REALLY accurate. but we didnt care about the hide i have saw dad shoot a crow in the head out of the top of a pine tree at about 175 yards so they are accurate. if i was going to try something else, it would be the .223 WSSM.
  9. Shaun_300


    Re: UnReal...... wow, thats what you call a SERIOUS problem too bad that it was taken out on a small, innocent child
  10. Shaun_300

    The Weekend....

    Re: The Weekend.... [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Let just say last night was ROUGH! LOL [/ QUOTE ] I'll second that, grouse hunting was def. out of the picture this morning. [/ QUOTE ] LOL, what, did ya's tie a good one on last night boys? I stayed sober and still slept into 2:20 man, what a good sleep. i guess that will make up for the late nights and early mornings this past week dont plan on doing much this weekend. maybe look over my notes because my one instructor said there was a 'possibility' of a test on monday on engines and cooling systems usually when Vince says there's a 'possibility' of a test, you can count that one is going to be dropped on your desk that day and this is a BIG one, so i better crack the books open and look over my notes.
  11. Re: Memories of Egg Sandwiches i wish i could live the day i shot my deer. not only for the actual memory of me getting the deer, but for the eldest member of our hunt club. he doesnt hunt anymore, because of his arthritis, he can barely walk he still comes out to the camp everyday and everynight to share stories with us, and talk about good times anyways, the big buck population is a little thin up where we hunt up there, (not where i hunt with my uncles) and there hasnt been a buck bigger than a spike or a fork horn for a long time. the look on Wally's face when i backed my big boy up to the door was a memory that i hope never leaves. he was so proud that one of the "young lads" was able to get a nice buck, and that he got to see it. thankfully, he still made it down to the tree where my deer hung, for pictures. thats a day that i will never forget
  12. Re: Speeding ticket(err almost) you're a lucky one Nut! my dad has got a few. he's got let off a few times too. i got pulled over once for going 80 in a 50 (50 in a 30 mph) and i got let off. and dad's latest was in april taking a groom to a wedding. 129 in an 80 (80 in a 50 mph) and the cop let him off. he really thought he was gonna get it on that one. you normally would. 50 over the speed limit and your lisence gets suspended.... well that was 49 he really was running a little late, the cop saw the suits in the back of the car and wished the groom luck at the wedding and told dad to slow it down a little
  13. Re: Maine snow storm we only got 3 inches out of that system. you guys got just a LITTLE more than that i bet it was fun digging out of all that eh??
  14. Re: Phenomenal Matched Set and about what..... 15" in the middle? Very nice looking rack, would have loved to see that buck coming toward me in huntin season
  15. Re: THe NHL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VH would be close to hop over the border to see a Montreal Canadiens (french spelling eh? ) game Next closest one would be Ottawa.
  16. Re: THe NHL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! at the glass at the Corel Center, it is about $140/seat during regular season games. double that in the playoffs
  17. Re: Choice of .22 Rifle i would definetly pick the Ruger 10/22 over any of those.we have a Browning BL .22 LR, its a neat little gun, like a mini BLR
  18. Re: THe NHL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! man, i sure am mad too! i live only 15 minutes from the Corel Center, so i miss going to the Ottawa Senators games, that was always a blast! EXPENSIVE (5 bucks for a 600mL bottle of pop) but fun
  19. Re: Some of Superguides awesome big buck pictures. great pics Cory!! awesome looking sheds too!
  20. Re: What a husband does!! wow! thats really nice gesture sureshot! the wife will really appreciate that! have a blast.... literally dont forget your ear plugs, they'll be LOUD
  21. Shaun_300

    The big 8K

    Re: The big 8K wow lil, congrats!!, thats a lot of posting man! how old are you??
  22. Re: Country Music TOP 15 for 2004 LOL those are funny!!
  23. Re: Nice Pic [ QUOTE ] See that boat out there??? Thats me and Shaun pullin in the big ones!! [/ QUOTE ] i wish!! the thing right out front is a raft, that people jump off of. it doesnt get past 5 feet of water until out past the point.
  24. this is an evening pic of last July up at my grandma's tourist resort, on Golden Lake Ontario.
  25. Re: I LOVE WALMART walmart is alright for some stuff, i get a lot of my fishing stuff there, and some cheap 12ga ammo, $22 for 5 boxes thats for when i go out just to have some fun that deal sure sounds like a keeper to me!!