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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: whats the biggest deer you have ever shot awesome buck PSEBowhunter!!
  2. Re:After college, gonna try to find my own hunting thats a nice dream man! sure hope it works out for ya!
  3. Shaun_300

    Eagle Chopper

    Re: Eagle Chopper LOL what a mean lookin bird! i'm sure that thing wouldnt have a problem taking off your hat
  4. Shaun_300

    its me

    Re: its me welcome home Wisconsinboy!
  5. Re: The Giant Is Dead: sorry to hear about the loss of your giant i'm sure you'll enjoy the new appliances! good luck hunting, hopefully the other "giant" falls for you this afternoon. Good Luck Jeff!! let us know how the hunt was!
  6. Re: Quarter Quazy LOL man thats crazy... a grand for a quarter?? i wouldnt even pay $1000 Canadian for that!
  7. Re: NHL - It\'s Official thats what they should be doing! there's no need for them to get millions of dollars a year to skate around the hockey rink. i know they are very skilled players, but when you look at how many people are working for pennies a day in the middle east, and they sure work a lot harder than hockey players
  8. Re: Moose antlers 7,8,9 of 2005 really nice pics, and nice sheds! thanks for sharing
  9. Re: VERY RARE ! Turkey shed ! ! ! ! LOL good one... he's got his brain bucket on and ready for battle
  10. Re: Locked Bucks yeah, they look better the second time around man, that buck looks MAD!! especially in the third pic, you know when their hair stands up like that, they are pretty ticked off
  11. Re: NHL - It\'s Official i'm with ya ohiobucks, it really ticks me off too that they make so much money for playing a sport... then they go and moan and complain that they aren't getting enough?!?! i figured that it wouldnt run this late in the season, what a bunch of crybabies! hopefully they will settle this childish argument about money, and get back at it in the 2005-2006 season.
  12. Shaun_300

    And with this

    Re: And with this congrats gator! i should be there in a month or two
  13. Re: Mall Shooting WOW! thats scary, thank God no one was killed!!
  14. Re: LOOK WHO\'S ANONYMOUS NOW! yeah! i just noticed that too! 99 anonymous and 32 registered
  15. Re: Congrats Gator...... congrats on the moron status... i mean monster buck status!!
  16. Re: Hit the water today sure sounds like fun! there is still 2 and a half feet of ice up here, so we wont be doing that anytime soon. my cousin caught 10lb 2oz pike through the ice on monday!! good luck out there boys!!
  17. Re: Getting that top water bass action itch. oh yeah!! my favourite top water lure has to be the torpedo i have caught more fish on one of those things than anything else!! that and the pop R.
  18. Re: I made my... wow, you are lucky, i 'take the clip out' the 3rd saturday in november we have 2 weeks of rifle, and thats all i use to hunt. so we have a pretty short season!!
  19. Re: New York...Not just \"the City\" wow, nice pics GW, lol i was thinkin the same as gobbler
  20. Re: prayers for my father in law sorry to hear that Rob, prayers sent to you and your loved ones.
  21. Re: Monster Bucks 13 wow! really neat to see you around TBone!! congratulations on the weight loss, and the news about your new addition to the family!! have fun in Nashville! and let the realtree boys know the boys from the forums say hi!
  22. Shaun_300


  23. Shaun_300


    Re: funny! yeah i would imagine a 10ga would do a number on a squirrel!! i hit one that was sitting on a log with the 20ga, i shot about 2 inches low, and boy! the bark off the log was just like chrapenal, just found a little tuft of fur, and a spec of blood. ....hamburger my uncle shoots grouse with his bow, the meat's fine, theres just a diamond in the breast
  24. Re: How early do bucks make scrapes?? nice pic todd, i see scrapes year round as well.
  25. Re: Monster Bucks LOL @ MCH ....dont we all, eh! yup, the monster bucks video should be out in the summer or fall. can't wait!!!