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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: buck skull wow! nice buck! good luck on findin his sheds!!
  2. Re: One more reason to bash us. [ QUOTE ] Canada does make the best snowmobiles in the world though. Ski-Doo. [/ QUOTE ] Amen to that!!!
  3. Re: I Am A Turkey!!! ouch! those sound painful! hope ya get rid of them soon!
  4. Re: computer help needed try saving it as a microsoft word document, then edit it, then save that as a pdf file.
  5. Re: computer help needed did you try copying and pasting it into word? then saving it?
  6. Re: Coyote contest????? if timberwolves count i'm in!! we dont have many coyotes in the area that i hunt. but ya never know!
  7. Re: PREDATOR HUNTING CONTEST SIGN UP. Sign me up! i will be goin home for 10 days, so i might get the chance to take a whack at a timberwolf! i'll be going out for sure.
  8. Re: Dukes of Hazard [ QUOTE ] Thats cool and all! But I bought ALLLLLLL of there season on dvd a couple weeks back! Its GREAT! [/ QUOTE ] my brother bought those too!! they're great eh!
  9. Re: WHAT\'S UP WITH THIS????????????????? congrats on the new points preacherman! keep em comming!
  10. AWESOME!!!! i watch the dukes every night at 1am. big fan right here! and i know what i'll be doing the days of the marathon! sittin in the lazy boy watchin it!!
  11. Shaun_300

    The Weekend....

    Re: The Weekend.... not too much going on this weekend. i am not going home because reading week is from the 21st to the 25th. so i am going to go home next friday afternoon, and i aint commin back to college til the 28th!!!
  12. Re: Another one bites the dust. Pic Congrats on the yote man! nice one!
  13. Re: Saw a huge half rack buck. He had 7 on one side thats a big rack! all the best in the hunts and shed hunts in the future for that bad boy!!
  14. Re: A good day!pic wow, great day for sure sasksheds!!!
  15. Happy Birthday Griz!!! hope you have a great birthday!
  16. Re: Got my deer scored today.... Very nice buck man! awesome deer, deer of a lifetime for sure!!
  17. Re: what do u wear Blaze orange, with Realtree Hardwoods HD cargo pants and shirt underneath the orange coat. yeah, its usually pretty cold up here, a coat is a neccesity
  18. Re: whats the biggest deer you have ever shot Mine was only a 6 pointer, but it was BIG lol. it had a 20" spread, and dressed out at 201lbs. the mass on the antlers and the body was really amazing, more mass than a lot of 8 and 10 pointers
  19. Re: IowaDeerHunter-A Great GUY!!!!! thats great news Cory! IowaDeerHunter, you da man!
  20. Re: Here\'s a pic of #30 thru #40 awesome sheds stokester!
  21. Shaun_300

    im new

    Re: im new welcome to the forums! you'll have a great time in here. you will meet lots of great people here
  22. Re: I AM FED UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! ya had me worried there Norm
  23. Re: I just lost dinner.... [ QUOTE ] I have known Justin since he was a little boy shaun, we live about 12 miles from each other. any time you want to go out for a day, you are more than welcome, all you have to do is get here actually, last spring I took a guy ( that I met here ) and his brother out with us for the day. They had a blast [/ QUOTE ] I would love to go out someday. if i am ever going to be out east, i'll let ya know. it would be really fun to get out there. i fish all the time, but just on the lake i would love to go out on the ocean sometime.