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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: I just lost dinner.... Cool! Justin (total_disaster) off of the forums here is a lobster fisherman too! i would love to go out for a day sometime. that would be a neat experience!
  2. Shaun_300


    Re: Nor\'Easter we got 3 inches last night here in Belleville, ON. it is still a little windy though. winds are 17kph right now. windchill of -10*C
  3. Shaun_300

    Scary Thought

    Re: Scary Thought LMBO @ J.B. yeah! thats what i was thinkin too those are cool!!!
  4. Re: And to help lighten the mood LMBO, its all good J.B. i was just teasin ya eh! i don't mind people making fun of the way we talk, or laughing about it. i get a kick out of it... eh!
  5. Re: Ethical Question good call CR4! i would have done the same thing for my buddy!
  6. Re: My Son\'s First time in the Blind awesome deal WABS!! sure is great to get the kids out hunting and seeing the excitement on their faces when the birds come in and the birds go down!!
  7. Re: And to help lighten the mood [ QUOTE ] yeh can't put his last name "girl" with it...sheeeeeesh buckee, I just got off the phone with a Canadian archer named Dietmar Trillus...he is awesome and was giving me recommendations on some stabilizers....anywho his last words were, "give me a call anytime eh" I about busted out laughing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/ QUOTE ] your not makin fun of us canadians eh?? just jokin eh! There are not many things i can complain about this forum. one is the laughs you get, and the joking around you can do always makes it interesting eh. but in general, everyone here are great people and great friends eh?
  8. Re: Hey Old Farts! .....the funny thing is, is that i clicked on this post and i am only 18
  9. Re: Somewhat surprised. LOL, well its a good way to put it, dogdoc!! couldn't have said it better myself
  10. Re: Christian One Liner\'s all good ones, Texastrophies... the last one is VERY good!
  11. Re: THIS IS FUNNY...A BIT LONG..BUT FUNNY LMBO!! funny story TSBH!!
  12. Re: Only in Texas!!! LMBO!! thats funny right there!! good one!
  13. Shaun_300

    Ice Fishing

    i haven't been out too much, since i am away at college. the boys are catching some nice pike though! 6-8 pounders! i will be going home for a week next friday, so i will put a killin on them
  14. Re: 4 Deer Yep! i love going out for a walk in the bush and scouting out where the deer are at. kills some time, lots of fun, good excersize and you have a clue where they are going to be hiding come hunting season
  15. Re: Bass Pro credit card on the way. Thats awesome huntin'sonovagun! nope, i don't have one, i am a little too far away from Toronto to be going there often
  16. Shaun_300

    Camo Caskets?

    Re: Camo Caskets? very cool! i sure would love to be in one of those when my time comes! HarvDog-- i think thats the best way to do it. get your funeral costs out of the way before the time comes, its easier for the rest of your family. my grandparents have done it. and i plan on doing it too. just tell your wife that it would be a big help in the longrun!
  17. Re: Where is evrybody from?? i live just outside of Canada's capital... Ottawa, Ontario. about 20 minutes west of the city, away from that crazy traffic i am in Belleville, ON now for college, which is about 1.5hrs east of Toronto. but i plan on living in the Ottawa Valley for the rest of my life hunting and fishing is awesome, and beautiful country!
  18. Re: Ms. Pac-Man LOL sounds like fun! i haven't played pac-man in years!!
  19. Re: 167 set pic great looking set of sheds!!
  20. Re: Cool bumper sticker... Awesome!! so true eh!
  21. Re: What do men want??? Ditto VermontHunter
  22. Re: Cool shot out of the stand Very nice shot! yep, she's got ya eyeballed!
  23. Re: Same buck?? it sure looks like the same deer to me Mike! awesome lookin deer too!
  24. Re: To: Bruce Schmeck , stale gum update LMBO!!! was it good Bruce??
  25. Re: If You Think About It LMBO @ Buckee good luck with the CAT scan tomorrow Chris, your in my prayers bud. let us know how it went.