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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: Some Neat Pics of The Lake [ QUOTE ] Man that would be relaxing, great pics man. Hows the fishin on that lake any how. [/ QUOTE ] The fishing is awesome! the walleye (pickeral) season is closed until 2007 for restocking though. still pike, bass, muskie, perch, and panfish.
  2. Re: found something better they sound good! i'll have a look for them, i wonder if they have them here in Canada though i use venom lures here. mostly the tube jigs for the smallmouth! they work AWESOME!!
  3. these are some pics that i have from the summer and fall months of this past year. It is Golden Lake, Ontario. this is a pic of an autumn evening. the sky was really neat!! this one is the same night, just looking towards the west side of the lake. another pic of the sunset this is a silohette of me, out in the boat fishing in august... the last 2 pics are taken on the same night. this is one of just before sunset. this is a really nice one of just after sunset. can you see why i call this place paradise??
  4. Re: Back Problems i put my back out two summers ago. my buddy and i were kinda showin off it hurt for a while. it got better though... we were lifting the back end of his toyota tercel off the ground it wasnt that hard, i just moved the wrong way when i lifted it the second time. the stupid things ya do when ur kids eh!
  5. Re: OHIOBUCKS APPRECIATION THREAD you're a good lad ohio!! you da man!!
  6. Re: Moose Cow & Calf Pics nice pics man! those calves look like a cross between a donkey and a baby horse cute!
  7. Re: Lots of pics..... nice pics todd! that cam sure works great eh!
  8. Re: Oh yeah! (pics) awesome job man!! now you'll be out there every chance ya get
  9. Re: Somebody On This Site Needs To Be Stomped. man, just plain sickening eh? too bad about the pic of Ty well all of them, but that one would be hard to lose eh. i can't believe this. dang i wanted to see those pics, guess some idiot ruined it for us
  10. Re: My Web Album!!! wow Cory, thats too bad man. some people have no sense of what they are doing, and how important pictures of hunts with their kids are to someone. hopefully your problem gets resolved, and you find out who did this to you. sorry to hear about that man.
  11. Shaun_300

    Mrs. Hyde

    Re: Mrs. Hyde cool story ranger!! all ya need now is a 50 foot antenna hooked up to the phone tower and take the portable phone into the bush with ya! get a buddy to call ya, and there ya go! easy game calling
  12. Re: How much am I owed?(long) yeah, you are going to have a tough time getting any money from him. i dont know if it would be worth taking it to small claims court. you can tell him that you want him to pay for some of the costs, its worth a shot. i think i would stay away from that mechanic from now on. good luck!!
  13. Re: A good joke...sorry natural blonde women LMBO!! good one!!
  14. Re: Boy did I get ripped off! LOL
  15. Re: Thank you NY911Bowhunter aweosme! yeah, NY911 is da man for sure
  16. lol right on gobbler, now you won't be on realtree tonight because you'll be reading it!
  17. Re: Rabbit hunted in our woods yesterday yup, i agree with the other guys on this one. it sure doesnt take much to take down a rabbit. as long as a few pellets hit him, there's a good chance of a kill
  18. Re: Quail pics for you bird hunters. cool pics!!
  19. Re: Well we won...barely... congrats on the win, show em how its done
  20. Re: Thanks Hamann Farms awesome deal let us know how it goes!
  21. Re: snow snow and umm more snow!!!!!!!!!!!111 it's rainin like heck here now. supposed to rain all day, then snow tomorrow, can't wait!!
  22. Re: Chevy engine intake gasket [ QUOTE ] Temp gauge was going crazy high then normal, then high. Leaking fluid as well. [/ QUOTE ] the temp gauge sounds like a sticking thermostat to me. the fluid, intake or head gasket, frost plugs, also check the hoses on your upper and lower rad hoses.
  23. Shaun_300

    dont get it

    Re: dont get it LOL i am 18 and i still don't have a cell. i don't really see the need ofr one myself. i wanted one in high school, but didn't need it, so my parents would not let me have one lol. once i get my truck in the summer, i will probably get a cell, just in case something happens, (shouldnt... it'll be a dodge )
  24. Re: kids what would we do without em LOL, gotta love kids eh those are moments that ya tell them about when they are older. i have said some pretty "different" stuff when i was that age, mom and dad reveal it to me now, and man, its funny
  25. Re: Patriots owner LMAO yeah he did sound a lil impaired for sure i agree with you VermontHunter, must be nice to have cold beer and hot food served up on a silver platter up there eh?