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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. just wondering when you can started bangin at those ducks again Its September 15th up here.... can't wait!!
  2. Re: Awesome Last Weekend good lookin weekend for sure!! the season up here has been closed for a month and a half now. i sure do miss it. cant wait for next season
  3. Re: Its over...nooooooooooo yeah, duck season was over December 20th here in my part of Ontario. cant wait to hit it up in September
  4. Shaun_300

    ever been shot at?

    Re: ever been shot at? wow, thats scary i have never been shot at... yet hopefully i never will be. up here that is basically unheard of. the only accidental shootings usually are the people that don't know what a safety is on their gun, and they end up shooting themselves in the foot
  5. Re: Thanks - What\'s wrong with the Accelerators? i'm going to be trying out my .300 WSM on some groundhogs this summer.... that sould blow em outa their hole!
  6. Re: @#%@**%$# Cabela\'s you guys are lucky to have outdoor stores period well we have some, but not as many. the closest one from me is Le Baron's in Ottawa, thats about 15 minutes from me. and then down here there's on in Belleville, its actually a REALLY nice store, thats where i bought my new rifle in December and then there's a new bass pro shops in Toronto, thats about 4 hours from Ottawa. havent been there yet, i plan on taking a little trip down there in the summer to check it out
  7. Re: Great Grey Owl Pics. awesome! we had one of those in the back 40, i always saw it when i went partridge hunting. it was the tamest owl i have ever saw, i could get about 6 feet from it without it getting nervous. i named him Barney.... he was my buddy when i went walkin in the bush
  8. Re: A weird rack... wow, that is a weird rack for sure!
  9. Re: Still Shedless.... i havent had the opportunity to go out yet, i plan on going home this coming weekend, so i'll get out in the bush and try to find a few.
  10. Re: Fresh shed (photos) wow, that is really neat! i would love to have the opportunity to watch a buck drop an antler one time!
  11. Re: how long? i agree, the large bucks i see around here only have their second side on for 2 days at the most after they lost their first side. the small ones i have saw for weeks with one side. keep looking, good luck!
  12. Re: fresh whitetail shed pics neat pics and nice sheds!
  13. Re: Here\'s the Pics I Promised awesome sheds!
  14. Re: All he could say was \"deer\" part 2 wow, they sure do grow up quick eh? nice sheds!!
  15. Re: Heeere\'s Big Boy wow, that is a huge rack for sure!!
  16. Shaun_300


    Re: lucky? wow that sure is lucky!! that is one huge shed!!
  17. Re: bad news!! sorry to here that buddy, that sure is a downer eh. i'm sure there's more big lads out there for ya. good luck in your future hunts!!
  18. Re: Last Cat for the Season wow!! beautiful cat ronin! congrats
  19. Re: Cool Red Tailed Hawk Story our partridge (ruffed grouse) population has gone down a lot up here, i am beginning to wonder if the hawks are pickin all them off them and those bald and golden eagles.
  20. Re: Got my new shotgun today wow, great deal bud!! that would be about $700 up here in Canada, if it wasn't the express... at least i payed $325 for my used Remington 870 Wingmaster with ONE barrel, 26" vent ribbed great gun though, great condition too.
  21. Re: Lady Bugs not up here in Ontario, some years are worse than others though... haven't seen it bad for a while
  22. Re: Prayer request for my Mom thoughts and prayers sent your way Nut.
  23. Re: DogDoc Buys DHNA BOW wow doc, that sent shivers up my spine!! i am happy realtree has such nice people like you around that care about the lives of others as much as you do. what an honour to have you as a friend. this definetly deserves to be pinned up at the top. great job todd.
  24. Re: my first 2 bucks awesome lookin bucks Muff!!
  25. Re: Is everyone gay up here or what? LMBO @ Racksie I know what ya mean TSBH - i would have inturpretted (sp?) that paragraph the same way as you man. makes ya wonder eh??