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Everything posted by Shaun_300

  1. Re: Prayers would be appreciated You got it Ruth, My thoughts and prayers are with her.
  2. Re: some B&W photos for class [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Well, I think your girl would look good even if it was dark out [/ QUOTE ] they all look good when the lights are out [/ QUOTE ] LMBO!! Great pics muggs, good lookin' lady friend ya got there too
  3. Re: sunset picture wow, nice pics fellas!!
  4. Re: finally getting high speed!!!!! LOL it sure has been long awaited for. finally be able to talk on the phone and use the internet at the same time. mom and dad say that i am worse than a woman when it comes to chattin'
  5. i was just wondering how many of you play guitar. i have been playing for 11 years now. i used to own 3 guitars, but i sold my Fender Stratocaster to a buddy in the summer.... regrettin it now and i have a Washburn DS100S Acoustic. it has the gold tuning pegs. its my baby for sure and then i have my little 3/4 size guitar that i got when i first started playing. Its a great pastime and skill to have, if anyone is thinking about learning, GO FOR IT!!
  6. Re: BBBBBIg SHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEDs MMMMMOnster BBBBuck put them pics up Cory! cant wait to see em!
  7. Shaun_300

    I survived

    Re: I survived good job turkeygirl! i am about ready for a new set of shoes too
  8. Re: THANKS GATOR LOL @ dogdoc!! gator is the man for sure. very nice of ya Jason. realtree is "thee spot" for a great group of members!
  9. Re: Talk to me about my buddy\'s mount (pics) Nice buck, looks like a great mount job to me. looks awesome!!
  10. Re: I got my 8 point back wow, beautiful buck for sure. looks great!!
  11. just wondering what the biggest shed any of you have found. if you have pics that would be great. my uncle is a shed huntin fanatic and i would like to show him some big ones! he has some monsters himself too, not sure exactly how big. i might try to snap a few pics of some of his bigger ones next time i am home. might even go out for a walk myself and see what i can find
  12. Re: fresh 5 point pics congrats on the shed tim! keep them comming!
  13. Re: How big is a 7mm? i bought a Browning BLR in .300 WSM in december. i love that gun. i was shooting dad's Remington 700 .300 Win Mag before, i just love the magnums for some reason. dad likes his .308. i am interested in starting moose hunting soon, so that was part of the reason for going with the .300 WSM, good for deer and moose. just a shorter shell, easier to carry than those big win mag cannon shells.
  14. Re: Different kind of \"Deadbeat\": i just turned 18 in december and everyone asks me if i got a credit card yet.... YA RIGHT!!! once i get out of college and get a job, sure. but not yet
  15. Shaun_300


    Re: ArmorAll wow, that would be maddning!! sorry to hear about your truck! i use armor all on dad's Chrysler 300M all the time. its A LOT colder up here too, never had a problem. maybe you just got a bad batch of it.
  16. Shaun_300

    Local death

    Re: Local death sorry to hear that Josh, my thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.
  17. Re: Man, I missed you guys! yep same stuff here. Buckee got a get out of jail free card, thats why he's still here
  18. i just signed up for high speed tonight. the technician will be there thursday to set me up. the dial-up is goin out the window this is the slower version of high speed. download speeds of 150Kbps. sure beats getting 4Kbps downloads with this dial-up
  19. Re: It\'s been a LOOOOOONG time welcome back to the forums buckifan!!
  20. Re: Last day hunt congrats on your hunt!! beautiful birds. nice dogs too
  21. Re: Ouch--that hurt.... yeoch! hope your feelin better soon todd.
  22. Re: Top 10 Reasons..... LMBO!! so true....
  23. Re: Hunting At School good luck gettin the little bugger, Chris
  24. Re: Deer Hunts this fall welcome to the forums ironranger!! very nice bucks too!!
  25. Re: Posting a pic beneath your name. you have to go to "my home" page, then under Main Configuration, select Edit, beside personal information etc. three quarters of the way down the page there will be a box with avatar. you then have to upload it from your computer or put in the URL link from the internet.