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Everything posted by HitRmisS

  1. Re: You must watch this!!! that is awesome, my guess Bond is using the method he used to get that one up the 3 feet just on a larger scale
  2. Re: good doe (picts) congrats
  3. Re: Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a good one
  4. Re: Almost got a good pose why is everyone bashing this guy just because his pic didn't show up
  5. Re: Low recoil deer cartridges?? I personally use .270 but many of the women and kids I hunt wish use the smaller cartridges like 22-250 and .223 and do well with them. Like you said with good shot placement they definately will get the job done, but so will my .270 or 30-06 so why risk it with the smaller caliber in my opinion.
  6. Re: What to do need advice. Thanks everyone, I knew in my head that was the right thing to do I just started getting ancy because rifle opener is in 2 weeks and my buddy will be hard after him then and I just want to get him with my bow, he is pushing pope I believe. But I will wait it out till the rut and hope for the best. Thanks again
  7. HitRmisS


    Re: Chat aight thanks guys, i ended up shutting down and getting back on, but ya'll know that you were there
  8. HitRmisS


    It booted me off of chat and when i tried to get back on it said I couldnt because someone was already loggen on as HitRmisS, this better be a mistake... I am THE HitRmisS
  9. Re: Do Not Try This!!! LOLOL!! glad to here the dog is ok he didn't do anything but those idiots got what they deserved
  10. Re: Feedback wanted!! I have been a member of the realtree family for almost 2 years now and could not begin to count the many things I have learned here. Whether it be about where to place a stand, what I was doing wrong with my shooting form, and countless other things. By being involved in the outdoors and hunting I have learned many things that help me in life on a daily basis. Things suchs as ethics, morals, responsibility, respect for the animals I hunt and the people I share the expierience with. The outdoors kept me out of trouble growing up and still does today. Everytime I go hunting I learn something new, whether it be something that benefits me in the hunting world or in other aspects of my life.
  11. Re: Finally got another buck congrats, good to get that monkey off your back.
  12. Re: Let the muzzy work awesome, way to go
  13. Re: I just got the call [ QUOTE ] I lost a dog to Parvo myself, horrible thing for dogs to have to endure. I didn't have money for a vet, so unfortunately, she suffered, and I didn't have the heart to put her down myself. Sorry for your loss. I only had her for 2 months and I cried like a baby!! [/ QUOTE ] Thats kind of the sitiation I was in. I'm a college student and am not currently working. I couldn't afford the best treatment but I spent everything I could trying to make him better and it didn't work. Luckily my parents offered to pay to have him put down because I couldnt have done it myself and couldnt stand to watch him suffer.
  14. Re: I just got the call Let me correct that, not good to hear you lost a dog, good to hear i'm not the only man who cried about it.
  15. Re: I just got the call [ QUOTE ] Lost a black lab puppy a few years back, cried like a baby for 2 weeks. Sorry about your loss. [/ QUOTE ] Thats good to hear, didn't want to admit it but I teared up this afternoon.
  16. Re: How about a CHAT tonight? well i was this there and it was mainly just a fight between immature kids starting crap and young buck trying to control them, thanks young buck
  17. I have this stand it really is in a hot spot, lots of deer traffic, mostly does so far but I know the bucks will show once the rut kicks in. So heres my question, most of the deer come from directly i front of me so a wind blowing in my face is favorable in most situations. However I know that there is a big buck hanging out in this marsh in front of me as well and I want to use doe estrous to attempt in bringing him out. The problem is with the wind proper for me to not get winded the scent will be blown in the opposite direction of the buck. So should I take a chance and hunt there with the wind blowing into the marsh to carry the attractant scent in or not. I am very cautious about scent control and last time on this stand I saw 13 deer and at time they were all around me and I never got busted. So what do you guys think.
  18. Re: HAD A MUZZY MOMENT TODAY!!!!!! had my first muzzy moment about 3 weeks ago, hope to have many more
  19. Re: I just lost my lil Cuz Very sorry to hear that, prayers sent to you and the rest of the family.
  20. Re: GOT MY FIRST DEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! way to go, i'll never forget my first deer and i'm sure you never will either
  21. HitRmisS

    axis arrows???

    Re: axis arrows??? are you going on an axis hunt, that is all they are good for. Seriously though, I know several people shooting them and swear by them, I considered them but they were a little more than I wanted to pay
  22. Re: How about a CHAT tonight? I'm up for it if I can get done with some work, maybe I should get off here now and get on that
  23. Re: My buddy is bummin man that really does stink, i'm assuming this was land he just had permission to hunt. If not I would be upset if it happened on land I was paying lease on to hunt.
  24. Re: I just got the call [ QUOTE ] sorry about the bad news. Parvo is one bag bug. I would think the breeder should refund your money or replace the puppy. todd [/ QUOTE ] that is what we thought to but when we called he just kept insisting that it couldn't have got it from there. I really am afraid to get another one anyways because I know the bacteria can live in the house and yard for several months but we were hoping to at least get the refund to cover some of the $200 + dollars in vet bills.
  25. Re: For all us Dreamers (hypothetical) My number one choice would be an early season bow hunt on the Milk river in Montana. I would pick this with hopes of getting a giant buck still in full velvet.