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Everything posted by HitRmisS

  1. Re: I mite get shot as a Cull buck! I started off slow but i'm doing pretty good now, i'm trying to hang low so I don't get shot before i'm mature, because I will be a hoss in about 2 years
  2. Re: Closed Today! congratulations
  3. Re: 10-5-06 IL 11 Point congrats, that is an awesome buck
  4. Re: Reaction Test... my best was rocketing rabbit, my best one sheep time was.103, i thought that was pretty good
  5. Re: A COLD COLD WINTER lol, that is a good one
  6. Re: Pitchfork down!!!! congrats, that is a great buck
  7. Re: Dads first bow buck (pic) congrats to both of you
  8. HitRmisS

    3 blade or 4

    Re: 3 blade or 4 Well i shot one with a 3 blade this year and lost her but i personally believe that was due to shot placement, this year i shot one with a 4 blade at 32 yards quarteing away and got a pass through
  9. Re: Rut starting early ?? Yesterday my brother in law shot an 8 point he witnessed working a scrape, then today I found several more in different areas
  10. Re: First Bow Buck/Personal best thats what i'm hoping, however I think it is already starting out there because my dad was telling me yesterday morning they saw some chasing does yesterday morning at work
  11. HitRmisS

    22 years active duty

    Re: 22 years active duty Congrats, Thanks for everything you all do
  12. Well I was hoping to be typing this title for myself, but it's my brother in laws turn this time. A little back ground history on him, he has hunted with us the going on three seasons now and other than hunted a couple of times when he was in his teens. Well I talked him into bowhunting this year, so he got a bow and started practicing. I was a little skeptical because he has only had about a month of practice, but my dad convinced just to let him go. So I took him last weekend for his first ever bow hunt and he said he had fun but didn't see anything, well they went back up without me to get in a hunt this morning and I let him hunt my stand. The first deer he saw was a nice 8 point, he made a good shot and the buck only ran 30 yards. Didn't mean for this to get so long, just excited for him. Looks like I might be looking for a new stand now.
  13. Re: My hunting buddy this season! good looking hunting buddy you got yourself there. wish i could find one like that and that like to hunt
  14. HitRmisS


    Re: SHE SAID YES! congrats just make sure you plan the wedding during the off season, you don't want your anniversary to get in the way of your hunting
  15. Re: Team 9 well i had a good evening on the stand today, only saw one doe and yearling but it was a nice evening on the stand and they hung around for about 30 minutes so i at least had something to watch... my dad called this morning and said some guys at work saw a couple bucks chasing does this morning so im getting really pumped now. hopefully i cant get back down there to hunt at our lease next week
  16. Re: This one wasn\'t poached (pic) congrats, good looking buck
  17. HitRmisS

    hey everyone

    Re: hey everyone sorry to hear about that, prayers
  18. Re: Smartest women in the world... too bad she didn't have her husband strapped to her back
  19. Re: Where do you put your EZ hanger?? i dont have an easy hanger but i have a video camera arm slash bow holder which basically does the same thing, i put it right above me if I know i won't have to stand up. If theres a chance I will be standing i put it to my right and up above me. This works for me because i set up my stands in a way that my shots will be to my left or in front of me because being right handed its easier to shoot that way
  20. Re: Remember your first hunt? My first time to be in the stand i was about 6 and was in the stand with my dad he was the one hunting and killed a nice liittle 8 point. My first time to hunt was when i was 10 with a 4-10 slug gun but we didnt have any luck. Finally my first kill I was hunting on a pipeline by myself. My uncle let me hunt one of his stands and when he dropped me off that afternoon he told me the only rule was don't shoot the doe or her yearling that came to his feeder everyday. Well sure enough about 15 minutes after he dropped me off out popped a doe as soon as she got out of the woods i shot her, then out ran the yearling. He didn't get mad though because he found out it was my first deer so everything turned out ok
  21. Re: Team 9 well it looks like i might get to go out this evening and we had a cool front blow i yesterday evening so it is considerably cooler out today than it has been all year so hopefully it will be a good evening.... i will fill ya'll in on how it goes later
  22. Re: Realtree Poll I drive a dodge, and at 26,000 miles the only thing it has had done is oil change, and filters... A close friend of mine drives s dodge diesel with over 300,000 miles and has never had any major problems with it
  23. Re: Miss.... Again!!! I've missed about 5 times and wounded one in my first 5 years of hunting and i finally got my first kill this year. I;m sure i still have many misses left in me as well
  24. Re: My Doe Pics Congrats, nice doe
  25. Re: BUCK OF A LIFETIME!!! 2006 HOLY COW that thing is huge, its Ginormous(if thats even a word) Congrats, too bad your not on my team...lol