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Everything posted by HitRmisS

  1. Re: Hunting spots (does family/friends know?) i normally don't go out without a partner, that knows where i am, and on the rare occasion I do someone knows where i'm at, it may take them a while to get there but i guess its better than nothing
  2. Re: Thank You \"need2hunt\" Thanks, I've been looking forward to this all year after missing it last year, thanks for all your hard work
  3. Re: Kinky Freidman and Jesse Ventura. He sure as heck won't get my vote, my governor isn't Kinky
  4. Re: Team 9 where is buckee he hasn't showed his face in here yet
  5. Re: Your opinion here.... I did the same as Kat up until my last year we ended it on mutual terms, but looking back i wish i would have played the field a little more, from my expierience in high school you can feel like you want to spend the rest of your life with someone one day and not ever want to see then the next so, i would reccomend don't worry about it, give her some space and let her make a move if she doesnt then trade her in for a new one
  6. Re: doe tag filled congrats, im so excited about hunting this weekend, i think i have a pretty good shot at finally taking something with my bow after 5 years of nothing
  7. Re: Team 9 [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] I like Whitetail wariors [/ QUOTE ] It does have a nice ring to it...lol. Thats the only name that popped into my head. Only problem is I know a couple people on our team won't be hunting whitetail. [/ QUOTE ] yea thats i good point i forgot about buckee liking to chase around blacktails with knives, by the way buckee if your reading this make sure you check the rules before you try to enter a knife kill we dont want to be disqualified..lol j/k
  8. Re: Hit the 5 figures! [ QUOTE ] you've averaged one post every 1.8 hours for the last 2 years!!!! [/ QUOTE ] hmmm. im not sure who has less of a life someone who post that much or someone who takes the time to figure that out....j/k guys
  9. Re: I just couldn\'t decide!!! i like them all also, but the top is my favorite
  10. Re: Hit the 5 figures! wow what is that like super moron status or what, j/k congrats
  11. Re: 11 year old bags trophy buck congrats, shes definately got me beat
  12. Re: New Blind/Future Tower Stand looks good, good luck this year in it
  13. Re: Last Weekend before season opener with the Lens those are great pics, i really like the one of the running buck, he looks like a pretty nice 10
  14. Re: Team 9 I'm here, i start this saturday the 30th, i should get a doe then, hopefully i will upgrade that though
  15. Re: Whats in your cd player Randy Rogers Band... Texas Country for those who don't know
  16. Re: I can\'t take it! 8 more days of no hunting thats all i have to make it... i'm pumped
  17. Re: What to do...help well guys thanks for all the input, but it looks like my choice has been narrowed because my hunting buddies for options two and three are hunting elsewhere also, so it looks like i'm hunting slickheads opening weekend, but thats fine with me like you all said i just want to get one under my belt
  18. I need some opinions guys, but first et me give you some background, i've been bow hunting for 6 years now and haven't gotten my first kill yet and i'm really hoping to do so this year, so heres my problem, I have to many places to hunt and i can't decide what to do, I have one place I can go where I can only shoot does but is should definately get a shot at one there, or i could go to one of my leases and be able to shoot anything, but i may not see anything there, or my last choice which is go to my other lease where i can shoot does, spikes, and 8 point or better and have a decent chance at killing something, and be close enough to back into town and go to the Texas A&M vs. Texas Tech game
  19. Re: my opener buck nice kill, i hope i can just connect with hair on opener
  20. Re: Big Boy!! im excited (pic) definately looks like a shooter to me
  21. Re: Scored on the first night out congrats, nice deer
  22. Re: Can you do this... [ QUOTE ] How about this? With your right foot....make clockwise circles in the air. Now, at the SAME TIME draw a number 6 in the air with your hand. I GUARANTEE YOU that your foot will automatically reverse directions. TRY IT!!!! [/ QUOTE ] you didnt get me hunting girl because i've always drawn my sixes wrong starting in the middle and making a clockwise motion
  23. Re: Took my nephew shooting thanks guys, i'm doing my best and he seems to really be enjoying it so i hope he stays with it
  24. Re: Took my nephew shooting [ QUOTE ] Did you have good hearing protection for him? I've found that muzzle blast bothers me more than the recoil. [/ QUOTE ] yes i gave him ear plugs and showed him how to use them, i'm only 19 and i already have some hearing loss do to not using it so i'm gonna start him out right, and the .22 is a good idea, but being kind of rushed for time before season and with me being off at college i want to try to have him shooting the .243 good by the season so he can have a shot at a deer thanks all again for the replys and suggestions