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Everything posted by HitRmisS

  1. I was at the bow shop the other day with no intention of getting a new bow, and my buddy talked me into shooting the switchback xt and the trykon, i liked both bows but i really fell in love with the switchback, and now i'm sitting here trying to figure out how i can get the money together for one in enough time to be ready for bow season. So i may have a hoyt ultrasport for sell in the next couple of weeks I knew i never should have shot that thing
  2. Re: Velvet Whitetail (Pics) awesome pics, how close did he actually get
  3. Re: Here\'s a good question it's both for me, everyone on my lease is family except for two men that grew up with my dad and uncles so they are close enough, but its also alone time for me when i'm out on the stand. thst might change some this year because i'm going to start taking my sisters son, whos father is a piece of $@#* but thats another story
  4. HitRmisS

    Wish me luck

    Re: Wish me luck well we got it all built yesterday and put the last coat of paint on last night at about 1 30 am, then we went to the deer lease today and put it up, it actually went pretty smooth, i forgot to take pics though i'll have to take some next time i go up to the lease
  5. HitRmisS

    Wish me luck

    I'm building a deer stand today with my brother in law , this could get bad. I'll keep you updated on how this goes and try to post some pic of the finished project.
  6. HitRmisS

    Could be fun

    Re: Could be fun Kent Really Satisfies and The Hitrmiss of your Life Wow these really are both true
  7. Re: tree stand deal on private property i'd ssy take it and get good use out of it
  8. Re: 2006 deer contest???? I'll definately be in this year now that i have osme updated equipment to get pics and put them on the computer
  9. HitRmisS

    Pretty cool

    I was driving through my town tonight,(granted its not a very large town at 2000 people) and I saw a deer standing right on the side of the road, this was the second time this monthwithin a 100 yard stretch of road and tonight it was a decent buck... I also pulled a dead one out of the road at work last week.. i know that its not uncommon for deer to be living in close quarters to towns, its just something new in my area an thought i would share
  10. Re: Watch the deer i was wondering is it just me or can nobody see the top two cams on the screen they always look fuzzy to me
  11. Re: really excited!!!!! awesome, let us see those pics when you get em
  12. Re: Would you looky here...I just noticed something... [ QUOTE ] LOL... Maybe I should change my forum name to "Snail"...You think...LOL... Thanks guys... [/ QUOTE ] Its about quality not quantity, congrats and keep that good info coming
  13. Re: Ok. Now this makes me sick. that would tick me off also... iif you dont mind me asking what is the link to your forums
  14. Re: Would u laugh of course, but stupid things do amuse me
  15. Re: Shooter? he looks like he would definately be a shooter in my book
  16. HitRmisS

    gonna meet t-bone!

    Re: gonna meet t-bone! i'm jealous....you just have to rub it in
  17. Re: Mother/Son wedding songs? How about Redneck mother by Jerry Jeff Walker..lol
  18. Re: Vote for your favorite slogan another vote for don't mess with texas...i'm partial i guess beingfrom texas...and since i'm working for TX D.O.T, we also have another one thats on all of our vehicles....Drive "clean" across texas
  19. Re: your dream car well i'm actually letting Nick borrow mine right now..... i'm gonna get it back later
  20. Re: I see a buck dang i guess i was too late all i see is a coon
  21. Re: May have picked up my first ever lease.... sounds like a pretty good deal, we pay more for less land here
  22. Re: my first chain saw carving!!!! lol, good one
  23. Re: any input wanted, please I would do it, I also like woodsnwater's idea
  24. i went to my lease today and look around a little bit, and found 2 buzzards living in one of my stands for the second year in a row, and hey just totally ruin the chair and make the stand pretty uncomfortable to hunt out of from the smell, luckily it was a stand we were replacing this year anyways... well thanks for letting me vent about it on here
  25. Re: My 2 Favorite wow that first pic is awesome, did you setup hoping for a pic like that or did it just happen that way