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Everything posted by HitRmisS

  1. Re: I\'m so excited... wow i was thinking nice wide 8 then i scrolled down and was like holy crap, i know which one i would be focused on but it would be hard to pass the other one
  2. Re: Im so mad thats does suck, but dont let it get you to down theres gotta be more where that came from.... wow i sounded like some kind of counselor or something just then
  3. Re: Bunch of recent bucks holy crap those are all some good bucks, i would be satisfied with any of them
  4. Re: who shoots GT i just started this year but honestly i haven't seen much difference in them and my old cheaper arrows
  5. well my nephew is 9 years old now and i figured since his dads a piece of crap( another story) it was about time i started taking him out. so i picked him up from my sisters sunday morning and brought him to the house to shoot, set him up with my first gun a .243 set him up at 50 yrds since this was his first time to ever even shoot, let him shoot bam right in the bullseye, next shot i seen him flynch then shoot and he was low about 10 inches, so i pulled the no bullet trick on him and watched him flynch again then showed him what he did and reassured it wouldnt hurt him and he shot twice more and put them both in a 3 inch group of the first one, then it started raining on us so we had to quit but 3 out of 4 in the bullseye seemed pretty good to me for his first time. sorry if i rambled on but i was just proud of him and wanted to share. we will see how the next practice session is and if he keeps good grades i will let him try to take a doe this year
  6. HitRmisS

    RYAN H

    Re: RYAN H Sorry to hear about this ryan and family will all be in my prayers
  7. Re: I took the Mathews Challenge...................... yea i did it a few weeks ago and almost went over into the dark side but then i shot my ultrasport throug a chronograph against my buddies switchback and he was only 10 fps faster and then we shot a few rounds and we were about the same so i couldnt justify all that money on one
  8. Re: Wild Looking fawn. i had an all white nubbin buck last year hanging around my hunting grounds, i was luckily enough to get some video of it hopefully it will still be around this year i would like to see what its antlers look like
  9. Re: 54deg. this morning! we had mid sixties here this morning and it just got my blood pumping even more 23 days
  10. Re: Happy B-day Lil Hunter!! Happy B-Day
  11. Re: Pictures from this Weekend awesome i went out and worked on my stands yesterday as well, mowing and cleaning out shooting lanes im so ready for season i cant hardly wait
  12. HitRmisS

    Sept 2nd 06' P&Y

    Re: Sept 2nd 06\' P&Y great deer, and the velvet and video just puts the icing on the cake, congrats
  13. Re: I just dont understand prayers sent to everyone involve, i agree noone is worth killing yourself over
  14. Re: caged hunt\'s or in fenced area . that is crazy, and those bucks arent even really that big
  15. HitRmisS

    Classic Country

    Re: Classic Country i listen to all these but willie, merle and the possum are my favorites
  16. Re: Visitor... I dont know how much he weighs but i know where i would "put him" and that is on the ground, thats just to close to the house
  17. Re: Out of velvet and summer coats!! i would probally take him with a bow as well
  18. Re: T-MINUS 17 HOURS and Counting........ that would be awesome to get him, especially still in velvet... good luck, and by the way im jealous i still have another month
  19. HitRmisS


    Re: Huntin_girl lol, another good one
  20. HitRmisS

    Why why why??

    Re: Why why why?? LMBO that was a good one [ QUOTE ] > And my FAVORITE...... The statistics on sanity are that one out of every > four persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your > three best friends -- if they're okay, then it's you [/ QUOTE ] I think i'm ok on this one based on some of my friends
  21. Re: Incredibly big gar i have seen plenty of what i call big gar but nothing ever like that
  22. Re: College or Highschool? well im only a week into college and i love it so much more than high school already the only thing i miss about high school is playing footbal
  23. Re: Favorite music??? texas country, aaron watson was here last night, jason boland was here on tuesday, and this weekend there is a huge two stage concert with randy rogers band(my favorite), roger creager, honeybrowne, reckless kelly, eli young band, wade bowen, plus about 5 or six other texas country bands...
  24. Re: Favorite music??? another vote for texas country, aaron watson was in town here last night but it being the first week back in this college town the crowd was just too much to fight, jason boland was here on tuesday, and this weekend there is a huge two stage concert that includes randy rogers band(my favorite), roger creager, honeybrowne, reckless kelly, eli young band, wade bowen, plus about 5 or six other texas country bands...
  25. Re: WORLD TRADE CENTER - the movie i saw this last night and it reall builds the flame inside you back up against those sorry you know whats in iraq... really a great movie