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Everything posted by HitRmisS

  1. Re: MOST FEARED ROAD IN THE WORLD! no way, unless i was always on the inside against the wall
  2. Re: ** 50 Post Rule I think its a good idea as well, but i noticed a couple already that signed up and dont meet the 50 post minimum, that just shows they probally wont be into the contest very much considering they didnt bother to read the rules
  3. Re: Another public land biggun!!! good looking buck
  4. Re: A couple more pics of \"Leroy\".... dang thats a heck of a buck, good luck getting him
  5. Re: My late season doe!! shes definately a looker, and she hunts too, you better hold onto that one
  6. Re: 06-07 RT Forum Deer Contest - SIGN-UP HitRmisS 18 years old Sept. 30- Jan. 7
  7. Re: Am I a girly man? i've never cryed over a hunting movie personally... but hey if you could use this to your advantage when your wife/gf says your not sensitive go watch a hunting movie and show her your not afraid to cry lol
  8. Re: What was your first car 1995 3/4 ton Chevy Ranch hand bumpers oversized tires, bed rails, glass packs, man i loved that truck but it loved the gas
  9. Re: Lifetime Hunting Licenses [ QUOTE ] If I had the extra $200+ to get the lifetime hunting license here in Illinois, I would do it. I don't know how much it costs in other states, but here it's the current price times 30, which comes out to $210. I'll probably try to buy one here in the next few years after I buy some other things that are higher prority, such as a new truck, bow, house, etc. With me being 25 and hopefully having 30+ more years of hunting in my future, it would be well worth it. [/ QUOTE ] If i could get one here for that much i would definatley fo it but it cost 1000 dollars if im not mistaken here
  10. I got invited to hunt on some new land with one of my roomates from college this year, and we went and checked it out this evening, it looks like its gonna be pretty good we only looked for about 30 minutes and saw14 deer at least 2 of those were decent bucks. the best part of this place is its free and only 30 minutes from where i will be living when i start school compared to the 2 hours home
  11. Re: The Dreaded Letter... thats a good one i might have to remember that at the end of my first semester of college this year
  12. HitRmisS

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    Re: Other forums Texashuntingforum.com Texasfishingforum.com
  13. Re: College or Highschool? I move off to college this weekend to get ready to tart my freshmen year at Texas A&M and get a degree in wildlife and fisheries management
  14. Re: Snow??? These all look sweet i wanted to get my new GT's this year with white wraps and white veins but my bowshop didnt ave any white wraps in stock and i couldnt wait, but i will definately have them re done with all white next year
  15. Re: BEST OF THE BEST!! nice pics looks like you have plenty to choose from this year
  16. Re: 3 Legs and No head thats a pretty cool pic
  17. Re: 2005 Archey 10-point is Finished!! congrats, nice deer and the mount looks good as well
  18. Re: Happy B-Day outdoorgirl Happy Birthday
  19. Re: Anyone trying new BH\'s this year? i'm trying out the muzzy 4 blades for the first time this year
  20. Re: Would you paint a gun? whoever di those for you did a real good job 257bob, they look nice
  21. Re: How old is everybody in here [ QUOTE ] 17 and not looking cuz once hunting season starts i dont have time for a realationship [/ QUOTE ] i like your point of view, i just told my gf when we first started dating last year that from October until january if she wated to see me she would have to go hunting with me
  22. Re: How old is everybody in here thanks jb, here try this link to help posting pics http://www.realtree.com/forums/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/516697/an/0/page/0#Post516697
  23. Re: An Elephant\'s Memory Amazing Story lmao, that is hilarious
  24. Re: How old is everybody in here Im 18 will be 19 in October, and i'm fixing to start my freshmen year at Texas A&M University
  25. Re: Bad part \'bout turnin\' 16. well i pay 64 dollars here which includes everything i need hunting or fishing except a federal duck stamp, or if i hunt on national forest