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Everything posted by HitRmisS

  1. Re: Favorite way to hunt deer I love to bowhunt, i haven't taken anything with my bow so far but i think thats another reason i'm hooked is because of the challenge, but i still pick up the rifle for meat and for our hunting club big buck contest opening weekend of rifle season every year
  2. Re: Saw somthing funny today sounds cool, i hate when i come across a great photo opp. like that without a camera
  3. Re: Deer feeders i use deer feeders, feeding corn and yes they do attract deer however its normally does and immature bucks, and as far as keeping them around i can't say for sure but with electric feeders on timers they seem to make it habitual to come there everyday
  4. Re: I\'ve been living a lie no you can't be serious, don't say that....lol
  5. Re: Happy Birthday F250_4X4 Happy birthday
  6. Re: Yet more trivia James Cecil Dickens (little Jimmy Dickens)
  7. Re: Bathroom Modeling well i dont know about the computer part of the first pi but that sure looks like a cozy toilet to me..lol
  8. Re: Pics of my new Trykon!!! that is awesome bow, you really shouldn't post pics like this making us drool..lol
  9. Re: The Blonde\'s New Shoes! another good one
  10. I know this will break many rednecks hearts, and destroy a great role model but I have to do it... Video This is Dan Whitney before he became "Larry the Cable Guy"
  11. HitRmisS

    Yuck, Yuck....

    Re: Yuck, Yuck.... roflmbo
  12. Re: Opinions on Big Game Partner stand? i wonder if that is just a online offer or if they are 100 dollars off at the stores as well... if so i might have to invest in one of those
  13. Re: buck growl thanks for the link buckee i saw the article in NAW but i didnt know what it sounded like
  14. well i shot for the first time since january today and either my pins need adjusting or i do because everydistance i shot i was shooting about 4 inces high but perfect right and left, i'm thinking its probaly just me...what do yall think
  15. Re: Cool trick with Mentos and Diet Coke!! well i gave it the first attempt todaay and got footage but i need to figure out a better way to drop in the mentos because i only got a few in there before it shot out and it didnt shoot near as high as on all these videos
  16. Re: proof bigfoot\'s alive wow ur lucky he didnt take it... did anyone have permission to be on that land
  17. Re: Is this legal it looks just like my new england single shot shotgun except sawed off, im sure thats basically what it is
  18. Re: Nicest looking factory rifle [image][/image] I love my ruger m77 .270
  19. Re: Antlerfest 06 pics sounds awesome... i could spend hours in a place like that
  20. Re: 05 Rifle Season Buck Mount really nice buck, congrats
  21. Re: Antler Growth Pics thats cool to watch as they grow, nice buck as well
  22. Re: i did it i gradiated i graduated on may 26, and i also am going to college to study wildlife biology to be a game warden.... sorry not trying to take your post i just thought it was cool another forum member my age was doing the same thing
  23. Re: North American Whitetail i read it also... does anyone know if there is anywhere to see the footage online
  24. Re: Cool trick with Mentos and Diet Coke!! thats hilarious
  25. Re: Help Please... thanks dogdoc, i was kinda looking for both but i shooud have been more specific right now im looking for something i can plant now and then i will plant other things in the early fall to hunt over like you mentioned thanks again