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Everything posted by Mach1

  1. Mach1

    10 Random Things

    1. I'm 5'10" 2. I'm unemployed/stay-at-home-dad (sucks not having a money paying job) 3. I like to play first-person-shooter video games (ex: Halo, Medal of Honor, etc.) 4. My wife, 2 1/2 yr old son, and I live in my in-laws' basement (we have our own kitchen too) 5. I am big into spy and special forces TV shows, movies, and video games right now 6. I have a B.S. degree in Biology that is getting me nowhere in my job search 7. I was valedictorian of my high school class 8. I don't like peanut butter, nuts of any kind, or the majority of vegetables 9. I've never (knowingly) broke a bone in my body 10. I'm not a fan of big cities
  2. Congrats on the doe. I'll be out again this weekend. I've seen deer each time I've been out, but haven't been able to fling an arrow yet. Hopefully that will change this weekend.
  3. No luck for me this weekend. Going to get back after it next weekend.
  4. I'm extremely anti-GM/Chevy, but all the Cavaliers I've ever been around have been pretty reliable for their owners and get good mpg. They're quality vehicles.
  5. Mach1


    I won't pay an outfitter to hunt whitetails because I've got easy access to them around here on private ground. Now I'd pay one to hunt animals that I don't have around here such as mule deer, elk, antelope, etc., but I'd prefer to DIY. Luckily, I've got a buddy that is from Colorado that lives here in IL now and his family owns some property and has access to other private property in the northwest part of CO that he's invited me to hunt sometime in the future when we can get our schedules aligned. So hopefully, I won't have to pay an outfitter anytime soon.
  6. My father-in-law has a Jetta with the TDI. I think it's an '02 or '03. He's at 170K plus with it, drives roughly 75 miles roundtrip 5 days a week. The turbo went out of it a few months back and he doesn't want to put the money in it to fix it (he's been quoted over $1,000 a couple places), so he drives it without turbo. He says it's a dog from a stand still or when he goes to pass, but he's still over 40 mpg.
  7. My procedure for my Scent-Lok: -Wash with scent-lok or HS soap -hang outside -put in dryer -spray with scent away -hang outside again -put in sealed container
  8. My wife has a 2001 Honda Accord and she drives roughly 75 miles roundtrip to work 3 days a week. Her drive is interstate the whole way except for about 5 miles. She gets 30-33 mpg and she can have a lead foot at times. The car has just over 150K miles on it and we plan on keeping it until it dies because of the mpg even after we get her a new-to-us SUV next year. We've not had any issues with it other than general maintenance and it's been a great car. My cousin had a new Nissan Altima that she only had for a few months before it started having all sorts of problems. She got rid of it and got an SUV.
  9. Same as last year: Bear Instinct (27"/60#) Extreme RT900 sight Whisker Biscuit S-Coil stabilizer Limbsavers & String Leeches Carbon Express Teminator Lite Hunter arrows w/ Blazers Rage 2-blade broadheads Tru-Fire release
  10. We've got no problems not having enough light with CFLs. Some take a bit longer than others to warm up to full brightness, just depends on which brand I've got in, but the amount of light put out hasn't ever been a problem when warmed up.
  11. As incandescent bulbs burn out, I replace them with CFLs. We try to only have lights on in rooms that we're in.
  12. This is me.... Ok, so here's the real me in December '08...
  13. Glad to hear that your mother is doing better. The team name sounds good.
  14. I'd a thought you'd be more of a SIU fan than an Illini fan being from Metropolis. I've always been a fan of the Illini and going to school at SIU caused me to become a fan of the Salukis. But the orange and blue come first.
  15. 20, 30, 40, 50 Passed up a shot at a 150 class 8pt last year because he was at 52 yards and I wasn't comfortable with the shot. Wife was on stand with me and got him on video though.
  16. My brother and I both shot a banded mallard a few years back. They in the 08-09 goose season, they shot two banded geese from the same flock. Also during that season, my brother was scouting cornfields and saw a few geese with neck bands that we hoped to get a shot at but never did.
  17. I'm here. My name is Jason. I'm 2 1/2 hours from where I hunt, so my brother's been running trail cams and doing the scouting so far and he's got a few good bucks spotted. Heading back this weekend to get some stands set before our opener on Oct. 1. Prayers for your mother Al.
  18. A great transaction with IowaDeerHunter (Russ) for a Realtree jacket. Quick communication and shipping. Would definitely deal with him.
  19. My parents have that because they can't get satellite internet where they live (east central IL) because too many users have it in the area and they live in the country so cable or DSL isn't an option. The portability is fantastic.
  20. Mach1

    Your camera

    I don't think you've got to buy the picture viewer for the Cudde. Just pull the memory card and plug it into you computer (if you've got the slot for a card) or buy a cheap card reader at Walmart for $10-15 that plugs into the computer.
  21. Mach1

    First aid kits

    I keep a basic first aid kit in my truck.
  22. Mach1

    Your camera

    My brother has 2 Cuddebacks that are junk. Both quit working within the first year he had each of them. One has been sent in and fixed once and then quit working within a few months. He's attempted multiple times to contact Cuddeback customer service and has never been able to talk to a person on the phone or received replies to emails he's sent. The cams have been pretty much $200 paper weights for over a year now. He's since bought 2 Bushnell Trophy cams. They're better than the Cuddebacks in my opinion. They take good pics and he's had no issues with them at all. They're smaller and easier to carry too.
  23. I've passed my share of 130 class deer and have probably passed a couple 140 class deer.