1. I'm 5'10"
2. I'm unemployed/stay-at-home-dad (sucks not having a money paying job)
3. I like to play first-person-shooter video games (ex: Halo, Medal of Honor, etc.)
4. My wife, 2 1/2 yr old son, and I live in my in-laws' basement (we have our own kitchen too)
5. I am big into spy and special forces TV shows, movies, and video games right now
6. I have a B.S. degree in Biology that is getting me nowhere in my job search
7. I was valedictorian of my high school class
8. I don't like peanut butter, nuts of any kind, or the majority of vegetables
9. I've never (knowingly) broke a bone in my body
10. I'm not a fan of big cities