yesterday at we played a short game in sociology class i guess called the ultimatumthe professor, asked for 2 volunteers, well my buddy is like "come on me and you", and i was like not today, so he goes up with someone else, the teacher dishes out a 100 bucks, gives it to my buddy and tells him to make a reasonable offer to the other one, no if the other kid excepts the offer they both get to keep the money, if he doesnt then the teacher takes it back, well we all thought they would be giving it back anyways, well he offered him 50 bucks, and what happens, he accepts it and the teacher says that it go ahead and sit down, then she just went about a lecture about being rationale to go along with the experiment, nobody thought they would actually get to keep the money, well they did and i lucked out of 50 bucks, that kinda stunk