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Everything posted by DU_man_84

  1. DU_man_84


    they say we got it here to, i must of slept right through it, i remember the first one we had, i didnt sleep through that one, scared the crap out of me
  2. DU_man_84


    that sucks, some people just have no respect, im just mad reading the post, and thats why i wanna be a cop so i can bring justice to people like you, i cant stand when other people do stupid things like that
  3. actually if you all have seen theres something about mary, it kinda seems like warren "have you seen my baseball"
  4. man that looks awesome, i was just gonna make some chicken but im thinking i might slip your way for a little of your surf and turf
  5. im not much of a baseball fan either, i just go to a game from time to time, to get out, as for the 5 dollar beer and dogs, yeah not much of a fan of them, ill normally have a dog and a couple beers normally try not to spend over 50 bucks, i always gotta get me a lemon ice, and the peanuts are a no brainer
  6. DU_man_84

    At it again

    9 am tomorrow morning got my power test for sheriffs office, didnt have a problem with the last one 3 weeks ago, so this one should go smoothly, only difference is sounds like we might be doing the 1.5 miler run in the pouring down rain, hopefully it will hold off, wish me luck
  7. the courses here are turning greener and greener, fairways look awesome as well as the greens, cant wait to get out
  8. DU_man_84

    blonde humor

    thats pretty good
  9. DU_man_84

    I won!!!!

    thats pretty cool andrea
  10. was sitting watching a few minutes of the Sox baseball game, starting thinking, between all the foul balls, balls that the players throw into the stands after an inning, and the dirty baseballs that get replaced with a fresh one, how much worth of baseballs do you think the MLB goes through a year
  11. great response from a non hunter, and im sorry i gotta laugh at the thought of the "green bay six packers":D
  12. tell me about it, we were her 4th class of the day and she did it to all of them, and only one class the kids didnt get to keep the money so she dished out 300 dollars that day to some students and, she also said she has been doing this for 4 years, every semester with an average of 4 classes a semester, she said this year total she has dished out 600 dollars to students
  13. nobody knew what was going on she just said to him to make an offer to the other guy and if he took it they both got to keep the money, and if he didnt take the offer she got the money back, but again not knowing you really got to keep the money
  14. if ya know how to cook em they can be pretty tasty
  15. yesterday at we played a short game in sociology class i guess called the ultimatumthe professor, asked for 2 volunteers, well my buddy is like "come on me and you", and i was like not today, so he goes up with someone else, the teacher dishes out a 100 bucks, gives it to my buddy and tells him to make a reasonable offer to the other one, no if the other kid excepts the offer they both get to keep the money, if he doesnt then the teacher takes it back, well we all thought they would be giving it back anyways, well he offered him 50 bucks, and what happens, he accepts it and the teacher says that it go ahead and sit down, then she just went about a lecture about being rationale to go along with the experiment, nobody thought they would actually get to keep the money, well they did and i lucked out of 50 bucks, that kinda stunk
  16. DU_man_84

    April 16

    thoughts and prayers go out, something that will not be forgotten
  17. DU_man_84

    Brown Trout

    ive only ever fly fished for browns, never trolled for them
  18. the goose population is pretty bad when you got geese nesting outside of a store in the suburbs http://www.foxnews.com/wires/2008Apr12/0,4670,ODDSuburbanGeese,00.html
  19. lol, that is definatley priceless
  20. congrats on the new car